Gorgeous! You can see people keep touching his little paws!
I’m sorry, I’m really sorry… I love the tribute, it’s very sweet, but I really can’t stop seeing the cat version of the Ronaldo bust.
I see the sculptor was flattering, and portayed him as in his younger and less chubby days.
Without access to the meme, this is going to be so confusing for people in the future
Go place a plaque that says “Mustafa Ataturk” and watch people’s heads expose that he was actually a very small cat and not a normal sized human.
I think if I saw a statue of a cat just chilling, I’d get the vibe. Humans have been entertained by animals doing human-like stuff since we first developed the brains to recognize it.
Is this not an insane tripping hazard?
hahahaha the whole city is an obstacle course