Despite how hot it is, landlords in Tennessee are not required to keep the air conditioning running.
In our changing climate, that probably comes as a surprise.
However, unless it’s in the lease, nothing in Tennessee’s Landlord-Tenant Act gives renters the right to air conditioning.
“I think it’s unfair. It’s inhumane to me because without air we can’t live and breathe,” said Anita Brown.
Why dont you build houses with insulation? Other countries handle it well without ACs
Insulation can only do so much. It’s sufficient in some countries and areas of the US, but in others it’s just way too fucking hot. When it gets to 100+ degrees F during the day for multiple days in a row, insulation isn’t going to keep your house cold for long.
in vietnam its not about insulation it’s about having air flow through the house
Blowing hot air around is called “convection baking” in the US