Oops 😬
Hey wait a second, this isn’t titanium - it’s gypsum wrapped with aluminum foil!
Alex, I’ll take What is Chinesium? For 400.
Chitanium is a grade above Chineseium.
Oh chitanium! 😲😮🤯. You are right. I gotta remember this material.
That site is cancer
It’s a news aggregator whose primary standout feature is scanning for similar articles across tons of news sites across the ideological spectrum, and points out where stories are predominantly or entirely present or absent from one side or the other. It’s not perfect by any means, but I think it does actually provide some meaningful value in terms of offering the context of possible political narratives, especially in entrenched two-party systems.
Do you not see the ads?
I see none in Firefox with ublock origin on my phone.
It really is, holy crap. It’s like 1 paragraph per ad.
y tho
Do you not see the ads?
No. I use pihole. Also, sometimes, some things actually have to be paid for.
Not news. Information is a human right.
So how do you suggest the journalists pay their rent exactly?
Journalists are not the ones putting ads on sites.
You’re missing the point. Where do you think the money that the journalist need to pay for food should come from? Were you just about to sign up for a paid subscription?