I have a couple of Surface tablets that I’d like to put Linux on if possible. The one I want to try first is a 5th gen Surface Pro. If all goes well I would then try it on a Surface Go 2 and hopefully could keep the cellular access.
What resources are available for doing this? The little I’ve read so far makes me think that it is a buggy process and maybe not worth the effort involved.
I haven’t looked in a long time, but I remember there being a pretty active community over on https://old.reddit.com/r/SurfaceLinux
I’m running Fedora 40 on a Surface Pro 5. The problem is that you need a custom kernel for the Pro 5 and later. You can get the kernel from the Linux Surface GitHub page. Arch, Debian, Fedora, Opensuse Tumbleweed, Gentoo, and NixOS I think all have repos set up for it, so I’d recommend one of them. Fedora works for me, noting that there was a problem installing 39, so I had to install 38 and then upgrade. On 40 now, and it’s absolutely stable.
Awesome, thanks!