I actually disagree here, I believe a sandwich has to be thin enough in at least one dimension to facilitate a cross sectional bite with a normal amount of mouth opening.
Nobody should have to unhinge their jaw like a python to get a good bite of a properly made sandwich!
I wish you were right. But overpriced restaurants that serve burgers with a vertical height challenging to most intermediate pole vaulters would suggest otherwise.
I actually think Burgers are often the worst offenders here
The point of it being a sandwich is that you can hold the whole thing or at least whole segment you’re monching in your hand, those super stack burgers are so big they need to be held up so that they don’t collapse under their own weight
That’s not a sandwich, that’s a pile of meat cheese and assortment with a side of two slices of your choice of bread or roll.
It can be delicious without having to be a sandwich, let it be it’s own beautiful mess of uncontained food that struggles to remain stacked even when laid back into a container
I actually disagree here, I believe a sandwich has to be thin enough in at least one dimension to facilitate a cross sectional bite with a normal amount of mouth opening.
Nobody should have to unhinge their jaw like a python to get a good bite of a properly made sandwich!
Is a hotdog a taco
Every time this is posted…
It’s a sub
It’s because Americans have shit bread, they don’t know how to estimate its contribution to a meal
I wish you were right. But overpriced restaurants that serve burgers with a vertical height challenging to most intermediate pole vaulters would suggest otherwise.
I actually think Burgers are often the worst offenders here
The point of it being a sandwich is that you can hold the whole thing or at least whole segment you’re monching in your hand, those super stack burgers are so big they need to be held up so that they don’t collapse under their own weight
That’s not a sandwich, that’s a pile of meat cheese and assortment with a side of two slices of your choice of bread or roll.
I share your distain for the format. And yet…
…it calls me.
It can be delicious without having to be a sandwich, let it be it’s own beautiful mess of uncontained food that struggles to remain stacked even when laid back into a container
but I do like to think if someone drops a slice of bread in the US at the same time of someone in Australia humanity makes an Earth Sandwich
Man, where’s Kurzgesagt when you need them to explain perfect sandwich cut theory