First, from a purely technical perspective, there is absolutely no way this works properly, you just can’t recognize a trans person just by looking at his/her face, even if this was ethically okay (and this isn’t), it couldn’t work at all.
Second, the privacy nightmare that would be, every picture of everyone would be processed (and certainly stored forever for training the program) without the possibility to disable it ?
And finally, the obvious discrimination against trans people (I never encountered a trans person that wasn’t honest about it, so it’s even pointless to “detect” them)
To be honest I’m not in the LGBT community or anything, but this goes to far
I never encountered a trans person that wasn’t honest about it
I guess you’re not on dating apps?
Happened to me a lot. For some reason, especially while I was on my way to meet them. "Hey, by the way, is it okay if I have a penis?*
Look, I’m sorry, I’m not attracted to penises. So far I’ve only had one attempt to say it’s transphobic to not want to have sex with them, but even for the others it’s really shitty to lead someone on like that.
The consensus in the trans community is to let a potential partner know earlier, rather than later. It avoids the situation you’ve encountered. Some men also can react violently, when they find out, so it’s quite a critical dilemma to them.
Unfortunately, not all follow that mindset. They also tend to bust out a lot, and so lead a lot of men on.
It’s a bit like the scumbag dilemma women face. Very few men are scumbags, yet women encounter them regularly when dating. Most men try not to annoy the women they find attractive. They are careful in their approach mentality. This means they only make a few approaches (relatively). They also tend to pair off, and so exit the pool. Scumbags cast a wide net, and don’t hang on to women for long. This means they make a LOT of approaches, and so annoy a vastly disproportionate number of women.
Basically most trans people try to be as polite and careful about it as possible. A few, unfortunately, can destroy the reputation of the rest by being scumbags about it, at least locally.
I just keep thinking of my soon to be sister-in-law who is trans and we just have never discussed it. There is zero need to. She is marrying my brother-in-law not marrying me. Also I just really don’t care what she has going on down there. That goes in the big pile of “not my concern”.
In any case my kids call her aunt and she is the fun aunt so that works out.
That’s an excellent point, I say it happens to me “a lot” but that’s only after intentionally filtering out those who are upfront about it.
Oh trust me I was, I tested pretty much all of them 😂
the majority it was displayed directly in the bio, and the rest told me in the first or second message
I trust you but I can’t relate to your experience, I always encountered honest people (at least with this subject)
Were they actually being dishonest about it, or were they not disclosing it? There are a lot of things people don’t disclose before meeting up. Outside of a romantic relationship context, cis people tend to be more accepting of trans people in general if the cis people don’t know right away that the person is trans and find out later.
But for sexual/romantic relationships it’s different because most people want to know the genitals of their potential partners up front. This makes it difficult for trans people, who are stuck deciding at what point they should disclose the state of their genitals, in a way that is considered honest, keeps them safe, and maintains some privacy.
Were they actually being dishonest about it, or were they not disclosing it?
Kind of both? They didn’t explicitly lie. They could pass, at least in photos (I never actually met any of them after this point). So it was more of a lie by omission.
And this was dating apps, so obviously it was a sexual/romantic situation.
Yes it does suck on your end but on the other side of the phone your perspective date is probably having a whole mental breakdown about it. For a lot of trans folk disclosure is absolutely nessisary as early as possible and preferably for safety reasons not when you are face to face…
Buuuut they also are very likely to get really vile transphobic backlash from a perspective date as much as they are honest rejections based on genital preference which sucks to be rejected for but is nobody’s fault. There’s a lot of trans people out there who feel like they are never going to be given a chance. Either way steeling themselves for one form of rejection or a vile reminder of the awful people out there who think you are subhuman and are offered up a nice juicy target on which to let loose their bigotry does tend to make for disordered social niceties. Once someone has been burned enough they get pretty damn shy and the procrastination is more of a case of battling personal traumas until the last possible second where one absolutely must do the right thing.
I would advise not taking it too personally.
It’s marketing bullshit, in announcement they also said they used “heat signatures” from the photo to help determine if the person was trans lol
Well to be fair trans people are extra hot ;)
Curious what happens when it thinks a cis woman is trans.
…and it will happen.
Already has. Creator of the app doesn’t past the screening test.
oh my god, this is delicious
edit: is this actually her tool, or just some random online test? because the actual app is still described as in making.
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The woman who launched the site gets clocked as trans by gender prediction systems. It’s already happened.
Ah thanks. It says that in the article?
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It actually won’t, it will incorrectly attempt to identify and exclude people, but it won’t work, because this is all snake oil horseshit perpetrated by attention seeking grifters.
So far the app has already banned a featherless hen and its own creator (seriously)
Plot twist: she only wanted to come out as trans so she cooked up this ridiculous idea to out herdelh
The app will probably get false positives anyway.
It already did, I’m struggling to find the link (E: found it ), but Jenny Watson the woman who launched this shit was found to be like 98% likely to be “a man” by her own software (someone ran the photo of herself she used in the launch tweet)…
Yeah man that won’t work
Some daughters have the same face as their fathers, some sons have the same face as their mothers. How could this possibly work?
It won’t, it’s just a grift.
It’s like claiming that you can identify homosexuality through facial recognition. There’s no such thing as a “trans face”. It’s just a silly idea.
They said the same thing about gaydar but I already subscribe $9.95/month for the AI addon package for that. I already preorded the trantenna (trans antenna 🤣 ) for a cool $500 down. No price is too much to keep children safe… on dating service networks? Wait, I thought we hated trans people to save the children? There shouldn’t be children on these sites anyways.
You know, TECHNICALLY, everybody is someone’s child. Mental gymnastics are an art form to these nutcases.
When AI meets phrenology… Is there a scam that hasn’t been recycled yet?
Bigots will use anything to justify their bigotry.
Yeah… If anyone starts talking too much about the shape of the human skull as if that means anything whatever they are selling ain’t worth the pitch
Hmm well I admit I haven’t seen many people willing to tell your fortune by cutting open an animal then reading the guts inside. Someone should contact Y-combinator. Maybe work block chain into it somehow.
Seems like wasted effort & resources…
The people on the apps should be able to manage their own activity.
As long as the greater society continues to conflate sex(ual)/genitalia[male, female, intersex/hermaphrodite] with gender(man, woman, trans man, trans woman, non-binary, etcetera) nothing will reach a mutal level of comprehension.
The plethora of false positives makes this technology flawed - the number of females who will be flagged as trans 😅… the plethora of trans woman who will not get flagged…😅…
What a time to be alive…
These apps are not created to make meaningful connections. It’s to increase their profits and engagement. Apps have been around how long now, and we see a DECLINE in the quality of relationships not their improvement…
Now if we could have a dating app that excluded conservatives…
Wouldn’t that just be a dating app for people under 35?
Ok fine then I am out of ideas.
Also do you really want this? I mean I am glad me and my wife basically agree on politics but that is a really tiny part of our relationship. I can’t imagine sitting on some app using selection bubbles to find girls who are perfectly aligned with my stance on every issue, knowing that this was the biggest reason why they are also there.
Me, personally? I have no horse in this race. I was just saying it’s inaccurate to imply that only under 25s are not conservative
What about making different classifications for cis and trans males and females? There are people who are not dating someone trans or who only date trans people.
Saving them the weird moment of realizing it seems good.
You’d be better suited just having a user select that they are comfortable dating a trans individual because it will likely come up very early in the dating process anyway.
Forcing someone to identify as a gender that doesn’t make them comfortable is just going to result in them not using your app and is frankly kind of a dick move overall. Your suggestion would just create an app that was suited for chasers, not trans users.
Who’d want to date anyone who uses this app anyways?
Even the TERFs are getting into AI grifts nowadays
This already happened a few years ago. Transphobic ciswomen got mad when the app identified them as trans.
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Crying Game reference. Heh. Nice.
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