They feel he tilted the trial? He handled Trump with kid gloves the whole trial while he was throwing constant diaper filled tantrums. If anything he went way too easy on the orange baboon.
Fascists always say they were treated unfairly…
The problem with that is, moderates then treat them with kids gloves, thinking that will stop them from saying it.
It never does.
To deal with fascists you throw the book at them, max legal punishment for every crime.
Because even if you just give them a slap on the wrist, their ideology requires them to say they were treated unfairly and are being persecuted.
It’s like how they’ll call the most conservative Dem in office a communist. So there’s no point in running a conservative Dem, they’ll fight them as hard as the most progressive.
There’s no rational reason to compromise before the fight starts.
fascists sit in positions of power while pretending they are a horribly persecuted and mistreated minority
Next up: Fox News tells us how awful the Mainstream Media is!
Yeah, it’s the card says moops. They aren’t arguing what they think is true, they’re arguing what they think will get them what they want if they can convince people is true
He’s not going to give Trump a prison term. He said as much during Trump’s tenth contempt citation. This is Senators grandstanding so that they can go home and tell their constituents “I fought for your President and I won!” when the outcome was a foregone conclusion. Its all kabuki.
georgia might
They aren’t even trying him until after the election
If only someone could have seen it coming that no matter how soft the judges would be, half the country would allege wrongdoing. Judge may as well have just given him the letter of the law treatment. Would probably have been better for the country too to see Donny in contempt of court, that way the eager ones burn themselves out soon instead of letting every racist in the country simmer in a pressure cooker awaiting a verdict.
MAGA 2016: “Lock her up!”
MAGA 2020: “Lock him up!”
MAGA 2024: “The justice department is being politicized against Biden’s enemies!”
“I never said lock her up.”
Source: A horses ass. Just as wide and smells like it too.
I enjoy watching the late night monologues the morning after broadcast. All of them played a supercut of him saying “lock her up” after that interview.
Also MAGA 2024: “Lock up Hunter Biden!”
The judge should warn the GOP senators about minding their own fucking business
Well said.
Because that’s how democracy works right my friends?
The politicians are supposed to pay for prostitution and stop judges from jailing other politicians.
yeah the balance of power through the 3 branches scratching each other backs and the hidden 4th BOP group – money
The main pillar of democracy is apparently money.
it’s not like this isn’t the obvious end point (collapse) for any society run by greed and selfishness. continually dousing the statues of ancient Greece in acid will erode them just as surely as ceaseless corporate lobbying and the systematic removal of those who would stand for principles over profit has eroded the system we built on the greek model.
Nosgoth in ruins.
this reference had to make its own niche within the niche because the niche wasn’t big enough, and I like it.
It would make a good meme. But my picture finding skills lays in shambles.
Backs completely against the wall. They install their dictator or go down together.
They’re not as smart as the rats who have already been quietly jumping ship.
Do it. Give him jail time. Because when it comes to politicians we need to hammer in a lesson: not only could it happen to anyone, but it it should happen to almost everyone. They’ll need to be held universally accountable for crimes (for a change), regardless of political party.
I worry about Republicans taking power and using the trump trials as an excuse to put together kangaroo courts in places like Texas and Florida to actually do the sorts of politically based prosecutions that they’re whining about now. That should never be a reason to not uphold the law though. We cannot let ourselves be held hostage by what bad actors might do in the future.
deleted by creator
The BEST situation would be for the judge to say prison for a first offender is inappropriate. And then sentence the Mango Mussolini to 1000 hours of community service in which he’d pick up trash along the highway etc. And begin the 1000 hours in September.
He would absolutely not be in a jumpsuit on the side of the road doing community service. He would be assigned 1000 hours and then “work” with a charity putting his “skills” to use.
I’m speaking from experience. I had 120 hrs of community service and I did computer work for a well known charity.
But you have computer experience. The only things Trump is good at are grifting and lying. Not much community service fodder in that.
I just want him to have to piss in a cup before the debates so he can’t take his hitler energy cocktail.
Don’t put him on a highway chain gang, that gives him too much public exposure. His fanboys will basically flood that place, making the security of the guards a nightmare. Put him in a nice place where he can assemble, clean, or pack something without access to the crowds.
Biden is OBVIOUSLY overseeing this STATE Judge who told Trump multiple times he would be thrown in Jail but never was DESPITE threatening the Judge’s family and then allowed a Jury to deliberate in private to come to a conclusion based solely off the Evidence provided.
That is UNFAIR and an ABUSE OF POWER on Joe Biden’s part!
Ts, ts, didn’t they all scream that politicians influencing the juridical process is a bad thing just seconds ago?
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said it would be a “further abuse of power” to incarcerate Trump or sentence him to home confinement.
“I’m very troubled by what I see in the way the courts have been weaponized,” he said. “It used to be there were some institutions in America, namely the FBI, the Department of Justice and the courts, which were regarded as out of bounds for overt partisan politics, but unfortunately that’s changed, and not for the better.”
I am at a loss for how true his words are, while his intent is SO SO wrong
The only answer is for Trumplethinskin to perform 1000 hours of community service beginning in September.
Fuck that. Make that rancid tub of orange crisco sweat his bronzer off picking up garbage after a Biden rally in the middle of July.
Probably a death sentence for him, so maybe we just do house arrest for 4 years, and fine him for his “ill-gotten” gains between 2016 and now.
I would love to see this orange piece of crap in jail.
Or what?
Well, normally I’d say it’s just posturing but with the increasingly violent rhetoric coming from the GQP…
He better at least get house arrest. I can see the logistics issue of the SS trying to keep him safe in prison even though he deserves to get the maximum time IMO.
yes, that’s what they say, house arrest for traitors
I’m just trying to be realistic. 🤷
keep him safe
He just needs to become someone’s bitch. I mean he’s already Putin’s bitch, so he has practice. 😜
Just more normal governance from the non-criminal GOP.
The party of LaW aNd OrDeR.
They mean the two-tiered legal system, where the working class is subject to the expected uncaring legal system, and the monied-class can be protected from prosecution (much less incarceration) by the wink-and-a-nod privileged legal system.
Id love for him to just die already
It’s time for the whole generation to die. But I’ll be sad since I have family I care about in that generation.