“in Hamas custody”, or killed by Israeli strikes? So far all the hostages have died from actions by Israel. The difference is extremely important in this case and the weasel word title doesn’t help with giving accurate info.
Edit: it’s worth pointing out that this is not OPs fault, but the fault of the news org
However they died, they were paramedics, meaning they helped people. So this is a loss regardless. Just two more senseless deaths wrought by both the IDF and Hamas since October 7th.
People are getting so caught up in Israel’s genocidal bullshit (which is heinous and horrific, to be explicit so I don’t get dog piled) that they seem to be forgetting that Hamas is a literal terrorist group that would happily kill us all, and also subjugates Palestinians. They did take hostages, they have killed some, and they have treated them all very poorly by all accounts. You can hate both sides of this one guys, it’s pretty easy.
Thanks for posting the article and your thoughts, Mr. Squid.
People have been so trained to pick a team and stick to it that the basic humanity of the situation has become difficult for some folks.
It’s not hard. Killing or harming innocent people or causing death or harm to come to them indirectly is bad. Conflating different groups of people to justify harm or death is not an excuse.
Yknow, I won’t even say it’s not hard. It can be so hard when you’re bombarded by horrific images and stories every day. It sucks and it puts people into very passionate mindsets. Passion is the death of reason though, and we’d all be better served engaging our super ego a bit, taking a deep breath, and saying “Hey, I’m upset right now, but I need to try to look at this objectively”. You don’t have to shove anything under a rug. You don’t have to make excuses for anyone. Just… try to think separate from your feelings. It’s a useful exercise.
Israel is committing war crimes and genocide in Gaza. Hamas committed horrific acts of terrorism on Oct 6 and had continued to commit horrific acts concerning the hostages. We can keep going and listing every little thing going back millenia, but we cannot lose sight of the fact that both of these groups are religious extremism writ large, deserve condemnation, and are actively persecuting the Palestinian people.
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I don’t think we should completely neglect our passions. They make us who we are and define our truest selves! Passion is blinding though. Anyone who has ever felt true passion about anything knows this. It takes both passion and cold logic to achieve truly good things. Passion is inherently the stronger of the two though, so you have to set it aside (temporarily) to truly indulge your logic. Then put those together.
I definitely do not agree with using passion as the center of your political movement. That’s demagoguery, by definition. It’s common and we’re all susceptible to it, but it’s not a good thing.
I agree with you re: the origins of Hamas. It truly could not matter less right now. Hamas exists, and they’re doing terrible things to Palestinians and Israelis alike, just like Israel is. They’re both issues we need to solve and I’m not willing to set one aside for the other.
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I didn’t post the article, just to be clear.
Lol whoops, saw the mod tag and just assumed since you’re also a pretty prolific poster.
I don’t think there is many people who support hamas. ISIS needed to be cut down when they went on their rampage but let’s not pretend they weren’t created by the result of the US occupation.
Yep. Netanyahu publicly supported Hamas for just this reason - he knew they’d eventually provide justification to invade Gaza.
He and far too many Israelis don’t want to work with the Palestinians to find a solution. The same can be said for the Palestinians.
Too many people in power who just want more of it.
Support? Nah, that’s rare to the point of non-existence. I completely agree with your second sentence and I think people who are not willing to make the concession from the first half because of the second, substituting Hamas for ISIS, are doing themselves and Palestinians a massive disservice. Explanations are not excuses, and the behavior of both Israel and Hamas in the modern era cannot be excused.
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Who is “us all”? Are you colonizing Palestinian land and terrorizing Palestinians?
I’m just a member of the LGBT community. But also, I am an American, which means kinda, but not directly. Hamas does not have a rosy view on people from the US.
But also… Hamas terrorizes Palestinians as well, so not sure what point you’re trying to make here.
Edit: Not sure who replied, but I have you blocked. Just didn’t want you to have to wait for a response.
Wonder why they don’t appreciate the people sending the bombs used to Genocide Palestinians. It must be the LGBT thing.
Ah yes the people being Genocided inside of a concentration camp are actually the Genocidal ones.
Please remind us how israel gladly came to peace with the PA and totally doesn’t commit ethnic cleansing on the West Bank.
Don’t both sides this one. Israel killed these people.
The article doesn’t do a good job of clarifying anything, but sounds like they died 10/7?
Israel is just announcing it now.
It’s a propaganda move by Israel to make people think of them as victims again.
Likely killed by indiscriminate Israeli bombing. They don’t know where hostages are being held, so any bomb could be the one that kills hostages, and they clearly don’t care.
It’s the hannibal directive again
So far all the hostages have died from actions by Israel
Some keep ignoring the part where people became hostages.
What a horrifying disaster.
The fact is that those hostages are mostly if not all dead by now. Which makes any negotiated cease fire highly unlikely.
Great, fuck Hamas terrorists and the leftist terrorist supporters
Hamas needs to be wiped out
If only Israel didn’t create Hamas and then directly fund them for decades. They are doing exactly what Bibi paid them to do.
So bin laden was the good guy then too, right?
Once isrsel stop occupying palestine
All they need to do is end the failed colonization experiment called Israel and theres no need for Hamas
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You care about all jews? Even the ones calling for the invasion to end? Do those jews not care about other jews? Help me understand your viewpoint, wise one.
Removed, civility.
Not a single one of them living there is native to the area.
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