Good. We have seen with apartheid South Africa that isolation of a rogue terrorist nation is the only non military way of returning it to the community of somewhat lawful nations. No surprise that Israel was a close ally of apartheid South Africa
Meanwhile, you can’t become a citizen in Maldives unless you are Muslim. Hypocritical fucks
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Nearly 11,000 Israelis visited Maldives last year, which was 0.6% of the total tourist arrivals.
Very nice. It’s not just a symbolic boycot
A symbolic boycott is important. They still picked a side in this mess.
“Go back to Israel, draft-dodger. Murder more Gazans. Allāh be praised.”
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As the Maldives is a tourist resort 0.6% of the most major income is pretty big
You should plan to spend around** $299 (MVR4,623) per day on your vacation in the Maldives.** This is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors
Even assuming that every tourist stays one single day that would be 3.3 million dollars. And I’d wager most tourists stay longer than that
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An entire economy is made up of many parts. 0.3% doesn’t sound like much but with big numbers it adds up.
A sacrifice of 20 million dollars is more than just symbolism.
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Let’s pretend the Maldives is America. Would you say that America losing 0.3% of its entire GDP over a boycott is "symbolic?
All Israeli’s have to do military service and they get a bonus afterwards that they often use for travel. Thailand was full of Israeli kids when I went. Would be awesome if Thailand did the same.
Some of them come to India too and from what I’ve heard, they’re pieces of shits.
It’s funny how often in these threads people mask off with their antisemitism so clearly
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Jew here, and travelled through SE Asia. Israelis have always had a terrible reputation in parts of India and Thailand because after completing military service of 2-3 years, these kids get a lump sum before heading off to careers or university. They spend that money on booze and drugs and get off their faces before heading home to start their lives properly, and this is true of the Israeli Arab kids who serve too, as they are also no longer under the watchful eye of their parents or the military.
It’s not uncommon for youth hostels in Thailand not to allow Israelis in groups to stay there, with signage saying so. Always “Israelis”, never “jews”. I saw a lot of this backpacking maybe 8 years ago.
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Yeah it’s everyone else’s fault to notice the bullying done by your thugs.
Yep I’ve seen reports on their little town in India and how they’ve been awful to the natives.
Send them back to Israel so they can murder more Gazans.
wp:Human rights in the Maldives
The constitution declares Islam as the state religion of the Maldives and states that all Maldivian nationals are required to be Sunni Muslims.[13] It is illegal in the country to proselytize any religion other than Islam, and advocate for secularism or the separation of church and state. Apostasy and atheism are also outlawed and those who identify as or accused of being apostates or atheists are punishable by death by Maldivian law (though unenforced) and are often subject to vigilante violence or attacks with little or no consequences for perpetrators by the authorities.
Defamation and Speech “contrary to the tenets of Islam” is illegal.
As the state partially practices Sharia law in some matters, homosexuality is illegal. The punishment for men is nine months to one year imprisonment, or 10 to 30 lashes. The punishment for women is nine months to one year of house arrest.[3]
Atleast we didn’t kill 30000 civilians. Shut the fuck up.
This is Lemmy: the Shariah law as practiced by the Maldives doesn’t apply here,
nor did the Maldives fight a war for its very existence on the first day of its independence.
Maybe shouldn’t try to create a country on someone else’s land? Refugees are supposed to assimilate into the culture, not create a separate ethnostate and expel the natives.
The Jewish presence in Palestine is older than the Muslim.
For that matter, those in the Maldives were Buddhists before they became Muslim.
Instead of blaming the victims of European antisemitism which kind of necessitated Zionism, you might wag your finger at Europe too for this.
Lol they don’t practice shit about any religion. Their government is corrupt as hell. What Shariah law? Have you been there? They have prostitutes from every nation on earth on their exclusive beach resorts for the wealthy
Have you been there?
Have you been there, anon?
Since the adoption of the 2008 constitution citizens and anyone wishing to become a citizens are required by law to nominally follow Sunni Islam[176] which would make Maldives a 100% Muslim country in theory.
Yes I visited the maldives in 2018 I think and I’m not a Maldevi citizen nor sunni muslim. They’re a hypocrite corrupt government.
I hope you enjoyed your visit. 🙂
Can they block Americans as well?
Also the 193 other countries in the UN…….
What are you talking about?
That’s about Israel settlement building
I can find maps with colors too.
Show me the map of countries who have condemned Israel for genocide.
I don’t have a map handy, but South Africa’s case was supported by the 57-member Organization of Islamic Countries along with many others so your “193” number is obviously way off.
Have they banned Russians?
Unfortunately not.
I say that not because I hate Russians.
I hate the Russians that fly to Maldives and act like they own the place and are constantly rude to Maldivians, other tourists and leave trash behind when they leave.
Funny thing, I made the same question in reverse once, and the crowd on here descended on me for “whataboutism”.
Tbh it is a fine line in many cases, and there is no right answer. Every country can decide who to let in, and others have the right to form their opinion on it. I disagree with this one, as I would also disagree with banning all Russians, but I would highly support the targeted sanctioning and travel restriction of diplomats, politicians and oligarchs of both countries.
Yeah, how come Israel gets all the economic sanctions and Russia gets nothing?? Oh wait…
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More countries should do the same.
This should be used by other countries too. Like Thailand!
After seeing that women get arrested for wearing a bikini in the Maldives a few years ago I’m not sure why anyone goes there anyways.
Let Israel finish the fight!
This is good from an economic POV too. Israeli tourists are generally chesp and racist. Just ask India.
Is this not an inherently racist opinion? And not all Israelis support their government’s actions. Let’s not stoop to the same level as bigots on any side.
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How to look stupid on the world stage.
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