Just 1.4% of cases were among people who received two vaccine doses.
Fuck antivaxxers, unless there’s a demonstrated prior allergic reaction these fuckers should pay an extra tax just for being alive.
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Cletus, you can say “fuck” on the Internet. Then again, I’m inclined to believe that given your lack of punctuation or correct spelling throughout your entire post, that maybe you think it’s actually spelled “fuk”.
And God damn do I love the hypocrisy on “believing the narrative”. Sure, we listen to the advice of the medical community, but at least I’m not taking my medical advice from a bunch of 4chan incels and facebook-addicted, soccer moms. The “narrative” lmfao, bro your entire narrative was spoonfed to you by the internet you bottom feeder.
What next mate? You wanna harp on about how vaccines are making people magnetic or the evil 5G?
Psst… you’re still poisoned and there’s no turning back.
Stay mad.
You clowns have been saying that shit for years lol. Nothing’s happened to anyone. Sorry bro, the facts don’t support your feelings, you uneducated snowflake.
Nothing’s happened to anyone? Nice bubble.
“uneducated snowflake” lmao
Your dumb conspiracy theories are based on fear and cowardice.
The amount of people that have been “hurt” because of the vaccine is statistically insignificant, and it’s no different than the number of people that would have issues at taking any other “safe” over the counter medicine.
Your entire belief against has been crafted and pushed by foreign actors, and your just gullible enough to buy into it.
But your ignorance and pride will never let you believe it. You want to keep being the fool, that’s your prerogative.
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So break the bubble, show us the people hurt by the “poison”. And not just one or two who happened to be allergic. That can happen with peanuts, like my little sister the first time she had them as a child. I had chicken pocks before the vaccine existed. I saw tons of kids suffering because of it. Now I see none except the ones who didn’t get the vaccine and the few unfortunate enough to be near too many of the unvaccinated people.
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It’s a proven technology. Did you think Polio and Measles just went away on their own? When the polio vaccine became a thing, people lined up around the street to take them because they had firsthand experience with how debilitating these diseases are. It’s quite literally miracle technology.
People who are against vaccination have been used by con artists who will say anything inflammatory to gain notoriety and money and be on talk shows and sell books. Be mad at the people who fleeced you.
Now these diseases that have no place in modern society are making a comeback because of it.
“Did you think…” No they don’t do that.
You are a complete ducking wackadoo.
I wonder how many of the 10% would be unaffected if the rest had gotten vaccines
Solid herd immunity query.
Get your jabs people.
I’m so happy there is a chickenpox vaccine! I was at the edge of that, getting it before it was available. It was hell.
It was more hell for my mother who had never gotten chickenpox as a child. So had it as an adult. Agony! And have to deal with sick twins!
There seems to be a lot of morons in NYC.
If 10% of the people living in NYC were morons, it would be more than the populations of five states.
Wasn’t chickenpox one of the gelding diseases, just like measles? Serves those Antivaxxers well.
Sure, serves them, but what about the vaccinated people who were infected because of them?
As someone from a part of the world where the medical consensus is against mass vaccination against chickenpox, it’s weird to see it discussed in the same terms as Measles or COVID.
I got my youngest jabbed for it because lockdown meant they didn’t get it as a toddler like most kids I knew of growing up, when it’s usually an irritating but short illness and I was concerned they might somehow make it to adulthood without encountering it, when it actually becomes a lot more harmful.
That was unfounded, since it’s going round all the young uns right now. Still, we’re both glad they won’t have to experience the itchy spots, although jealousy over friends who had a few days off school was expressed.I was curious what the arguments against mass chicken pox vaccination are, and it seems the thinking is changing, at least in the UK.
What I still don’t understand though is if the argument against mass vaccinating children is that sick children may effectively act as a booster for adults, why not just recommend an actual booster for adults?
My understanding is , besides cost, the virus is just so contagious, that it’s an all or nothing proposal.
Vaccination is always better for the individual, but for the “herd” it’s actually worse unless you can get almost everyone at once. That would have been hard enough before that arsehole Wakefield and even moreso now.But it’s a numbers game. Our doctors looked at the statistics and made a recommendation when the vaccine became available, but now there is actual data on a generation of it’s use in other countries to add to that analysis. Maybe that will lead to a change in policy, maybe it will just affirm it. If a change is deemed to be worth it in the long run, the transition period would be difficult.
Thankfully those who got the vaccine are mostly protected. Sadly it’s always the children who suffer from their shitty parents. Looking at it optimistically, this is a small part of the population.
Humanity: through cooperation and science we have destroyed a problem. The foe that held dominance over us is dead at our feet.
Also Humanity: let’s find a way to bring back that problem for reasons that are not clear to us.