
Series Finale. Trapped inside a mysterious alien portal that defies familiar rules of time, space, and gravity, Captain Burnham must fight Moll – and the environment itself – in order to locate the Progenitors’ technology and secure it for the Federation. Meanwhile, Book puts himself in harm’s way to help Burnham survive and Rayner leads the U.S.S. Discovery in an epic winner-takes-all battle against Breen forces.

Written by: Kyle Jarrow & Michelle Paradise

Directed by: Olatunde Osunsanmi

  • HobbesHK@startrek.website
    10 months ago

    As a show with so much promise, I often felt Disco reached for big concepts but never quite managed to get there. It would get bogged down with pathos and dragged out plot lines. Unfortunately, season 5 felt no different. This episode dragged on and on for me. Mol and L’ak had mostly become irrelevant and were completely unnecessary in this episode.

    I get the series got axed and additional scenes were shot to round things out. But that random “we’re all hugging” scene? It was weird. And didn’t the actress who played Detmer say their absence was planned and revealing anything would be a big spoiler or something? Well. No, it really wasn’t.

    Kovitsch was Daniels? I think at that point of the story, he could’ve been anyone and it wouldn’t have landed. He could’ve been Sloane (not dead after all!) and it would’ve made as much sense and be just as meaningful to the story.

    The progenitor plot? With a tick list of “clues” and “challenges” to lead the way, but ultimately we decide your worthiness to reshape the universe as we know it with a geometry puzzle? I can’t even.

    Discovery had potential, back in the day, but disappointed year on year. I had hoped this final season would offer redemption, but alas. Decent bunch of actors, but with subpar writing that usually went nowhere coherent. I won’t miss it. Glad it’s done. I hope Paramount learnt some valuable lessons from this and moves things on.

      • HobbesHK@startrek.website
        10 months ago

        Not sure either, ENT rewatch was some years ago… I think that might’ve been another time version / shapeshifter or something something?

  • skfsh@startrek.website
    10 months ago

    I had placed a huge bet on Owo and Detmer warping the ISS Enterprise in at the last minute to save everyone’s bacon, and now I’m homeless

  • UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    This was … a DISCO episode.

    Lengthy but meaningless action sequences? Check. Shaky cams all the damn time? Check. People talking about their feelings at the worst possible moment? Check. No apparent command structure and people just doing whatever they want? Check. One-dimensional villains? Check. Flamethrowers on the bridge? Check. (although, to be honest, those are so absurd that I’ll actually miss them)

    I liked the future scenes because they were noticably slower and cerebral than pretty much anything that Discovery did during its five seasons. I wish they would have done something like that more often.

    But yeah, that’s it. I’m somewhat glad it’s over. I liked the first two seasons of the show. Despite their flaws I appreciated that they’ve tried something new in the Star Trek franchise. And ultimately that led to Strange New Worlds, so I’ll have to give them credit for that. Anything after the season 3 time jump was not my cup of tea though. There was never enough worldbuilding for my taste because so much screentime was devoted to Burnham and Book, and that meant that the 31st century never really felt “real” to me.

    Maybe I’ll rewatch seasons 1 and 2 somewhere down the line but I have no interest in watching seasons 3-5 again. I’ll just treat them as Burnham’s fever dream or something like that.

  • Value Subtracted@startrek.websiteOPM
    10 months ago

    As far as season finales go, I think this was their best one to date. The action was split pretty nicely between the chaotic events on the bridge, Saru’s mission, and Burnham and Moll inside the portal. I thought the thoroughline of the clues left by the science team came together quite nicely, as well - there was a good amount of emphasis on how concerned the scientists had been about exactly who was going to find this thing. Burnham’s ultimate decision to chuck the whole thing into the black hole caught me by surprise, but seemed pretty well-reasoned.

    As far as series finale’s go…I think they did pretty well with what they had. The several-decade time jump often works really well to cause some self-reflection, and it was nice to see an Admiral Burnham who was so settled down. And hey, we got our “Calypso” tie-in that managed to answer very few questions, but at least they closed that circle.

    It really does feel like the end of an era. This show kickstarted the barrage of Trek we’ve (hopefully, mostly) enjoyed over these past few years. Of all the series that have followed it, Discovery has consistently been the one I’ve looked forward to watching the most, as it’s been the most willing to surprise and challenge me along the way. It’s been, as they say, a long road.

  • Richard@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Definitely a fabulous ending, but the tie-in with Calypso only made me more curious about what all that is about. Maybe there’s potential for a follow-up show now that the 4th millennium has been thoroughly established.

  • Stormygeddon@startrek.website
    10 months ago

    Those red leaved trees are known to produce a lot of sap. Watch out as it can stick to you.

    Anyway, I expected more of a “Be careful what you wish for” resolution with L’ak, but they just told Mol what would happen instead of actually doing it / creating a copy with no memories. I was disappointed with that.

    I’m also kind of disappointed that Vulcans are so often seen kissing instead of doing the finger thing.

    • Value Subtracted@startrek.websiteOPM
      10 months ago

      It would have been interesting to see Walking Dead L’ak, but it was also kind of nice to see Moll accept the situation and start to trust Burnham.

  • dethstrobe@startrek.website
    10 months ago

    That was an ending alright. I feel like the epilogue was nice, with no killing of a main character for no reason (looking at you ENT) and everyone got a pretty happy ending. And Calypso at least is canon, but it’d have been nice to have more context on what the end game is.

    But my problem is that the emotional pay off just doesn’t feel deserved. I really just don’t feel connected with the characters and crew enough. I really feel like more episodes (or a lot more) to really flesh things out would have helped a lot.

    But you know what I think I might actually like. A movie. I feel like tightening up the epic galaxy ending plot in a 90 to 120 minute feature film would feel better then a 10 ep season. I doubt we’ll get one, but it’d be nice to see what kind of nonsense Burnham gets in to since they end it on a pseudo cliff hanger (as is DISCO tradition).

    But what was up with Detmer and Owo being side lined for the second half of the season. I was expecting some kind of pay off for that, but nothing… It seemed unnecessary.

    • Value Subtracted@startrek.websiteOPM
      10 months ago

      It looks like they’re doing a better job of retaining props from shows once they’ve wrapped, so maybe there’s a chance they’ll put the sets in storage in case they decide to use them again - either in a movie (the rumour is/was that they want to do a streaming movie every two years), or for the occasional guest appearance on the Academy show.

      But what was up with Detmer and Owo being side lined for the second half of the season.

      Michelle Paradise said yesterday that both actors were unavailable during filming, having booked other projects.

      • dethstrobe@startrek.website
        10 months ago

        Nice to know the rumor mill has a possible streaming movie in the works.

        And it makes sense that Detmer and Owo had external factors causing them to not play a big role. Disappointing still, but reasonable.

    • feedmecontent@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Discovery did emotional payoff for characters it never used all the time. Or like, emotional payoff was a sign that they were about to get used the first time. Discovery really wore it’s emotional payoff on its sleeve.

  • thejoker954@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    That was an episode of Discovery for sure.

    Honestly it was kinda crap throughout.

    The fight between Burnham and Mahl was rough.

    And that ending. It was both a let down for various reasons and rather fucked up too for what they did with Zora (I guess to tie into Calypso or just get rid of the spore drive?)

    To me I’m gonna miss the potential this show had more than the actual show we got.