Everyone tells me similar experience with taking cat to a vet. For me, vet is actually the lightest part, but the transport and putting cat into a case is a nightmare, no matter where we go.
A way of getting a cat into a carrier I’ve found is, wrap the cat in a blanket and then have someone else go get the carrier, so they don’t know what’s happening until it is too late
Everyone tells me similar experience with taking cat to a vet. For me, vet is actually the lightest part, but the transport and putting cat into a case is a nightmare, no matter where we go.
She was OK going in the carrier, but man, after the vet she wanted OOOOWWWWWTTTTTT!
A way of getting a cat into a carrier I’ve found is, wrap the cat in a blanket and then have someone else go get the carrier, so they don’t know what’s happening until it is too late
I tip the carrier on end, open the door, and let gravity do the work. :)