Microplastics Found In Human Hearts For First Time, Showing Impact Of Pollution::A study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology for found microplastics in the hearts and blood of humans undergoing cardiac surgery.

  • OceanSoap@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    The issue is you made a very extreme statement “We need to stop all plastic production” without actually knowing or understanding A) what plastics make up of the items we use in ALL sectors of our daily lives and B) how catastrophic it would be to stop all plastic production. Just like the knee-jerk reaction that caused plastic straws to be banned and replaced by paper straws in certain areas, and then we find out paper straws actually harm the environment more.

    Like, your hot take sounds all good and noble like most virtue signaling statements do, but they also all don’t consider any of the realities or ramifications, just like yours.

    Also, your fixable solution isn’t a solution at all. There’s many life-saving plastics that cant be made from reusable or compositabke plastics.