Amazon is upgrading its decade-old Alexa voice assistant with generative AI and plans to charge a monthly subscription fee to offset the cost of the technology.
It’s hilarious you think Apple is in any way pro-consumer. Apple is all about their walled gardens, but they’re a trap. Their entire business model is designed to use various underhanded means to entice you into their ecosystem and at every step make it increasingly difficult to escape it all so that they can keep extracting money from you. Google and Microsoft aren’t much better but they are better ironically because they’re not as good at disguising their bait and traps as Apple is.
Yes. I understand the people who don’t use Apple products think they are smarter than those who do. Your list of common tropes is tiresome.
The reality is quite far from what you imagine. People who actually understand technology, people who are in the tech industry use Apple products at a higher rather than those who are not.
Instead of Apples well thought out walled garden, fools happily pay extra to play in Google/Amazon/Microsofts chain linked dirt pit. It’s hilarious what lengths people go to pretend that is a better experience; that rusty chain link with barbed wire is superior to walls
It’s hilarious you think Apple is in any way pro-consumer. Apple is all about their walled gardens, but they’re a trap. Their entire business model is designed to use various underhanded means to entice you into their ecosystem and at every step make it increasingly difficult to escape it all so that they can keep extracting money from you. Google and Microsoft aren’t much better but they are better ironically because they’re not as good at disguising their bait and traps as Apple is.
Yes. I understand the people who don’t use Apple products think they are smarter than those who do. Your list of common tropes is tiresome.
The reality is quite far from what you imagine. People who actually understand technology, people who are in the tech industry use Apple products at a higher rather than those who are not.
Instead of Apples well thought out walled garden, fools happily pay extra to play in Google/Amazon/Microsofts chain linked dirt pit. It’s hilarious what lengths people go to pretend that is a better experience; that rusty chain link with barbed wire is superior to walls
You will learn eventually