Looks like the Jif crowds downvote bombing, yikes.
So I’m upvoting everyone, let’s try and keep this civil and downvotes out of this! Both sides are technically correct, correcting each other is divisive and playing into trolling.
I just want the “hard-g because graphical” crowd to really commit to the bit and start insisting that JPEG be pronounced “jay-feg” because of “photographic.”
Honestly who cares at the end of the day, even if one is technically correct enough people pronounce it the “wrong” way that it’s like trying to unpop a baloon
Looks like the Jif crowds downvote bombing, yikes.
So I’m upvoting everyone, let’s try and keep this civil and downvotes out of this! Both sides are technically correct, correcting each other is divisive and playing into trolling.
I just want the “hard-g because graphical” crowd to really commit to the bit and start insisting that JPEG be pronounced “jay-feg” because of “photographic.”
Honestly who cares at the end of the day, even if one is technically correct enough people pronounce it the “wrong” way that it’s like trying to unpop a baloon