As we go into battle, may you have the courage of a 1,000 male carpenter bees! But oh! For all we stand for: please have more than their intelligence.
They’re my favorite, watching two carpenter bees battle over my flowers is hilarious and epic
No wonder they are bald, headbutting everything everyday.
I mean if I did not know it was stingless I would still be scared shitless if a handful of them headbutted me. I might even psychologically convince myself that I was feeling stinging pain.
What’s the problem of just hamming into you at full speed?
When this one does it, nobody laughs.
Well that’s not a bee, you see
Hah, I have one that likes to just float in front of my shed for some bizarre reason, I always try to avoid it for concern that it could sting but knowing this I may just ignore it now lol, ty
If you love them that much, come and take them off my trees