• what spreading baseless fear? You misunderstood my comment.

    I remember a GMO Tomato being modified to be as large as possible, leading to it having almost no nutrients anymore.

    That’s what i meant. Not some “DNA to make 5G tracking chips or Super COVID”

    I am actually insulted by this comment. I will have to ask you to stop jumping to conclusions and stop thinking that everyone is a conspiracy nutjob.

    Anyways, i am in no way against GMO. What i said is that they’re often less healthy than “traditional” alternatives. That has nothing to do with the procedure itself but rather how the procedure is used and what goals it has. Often the Goal is not to make it healthier, but to make it last longer, make it bigger, in short: make it sell more. And anything that doesn’t directly correlate to sales gets pushed back to save money.

    • Flummoxed@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      You remember a tomato? That is what you are basing your stance on? You got any sauce for that anecdote?