• Allonzee@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I love how many of my fellow Americans crow about how we’re so much better than the “corrupt” nations of the world.

    Our bribe culture is merely more expensive. It isn’t done at the peasant level as much solely because our owner class has cornered and legalized the bribe your own regulators market and made it too cost prohibitive for the peasants.

    And when Americans “protest” by permit in designated protest zones, at designated protest times, deliberately out of the eyeline of those they’re protesting and allocated/placed so as not to disrupt, we might as well masturbate at home. Protest means disruption, and if Americans actually protested in a potentially effective way that disrupted traffic and commerce as it should, our militarized police would go China/Russia/etc on our ass to protect capital gains over human life.

    Our answer to corruption isn’t to just turn a blind eye, it’s to legalize it for the owner class and make it their exclusive domain.

    Honestly, this country had more humanity when the mafia ran it than today’s Wall Street reptiles. And that’s no endorsement of the Mafia of old, just further condemnation of the owner class that would bathe your children in lead saturated water if it made them an extra nickel that quarter. At least the mafia occasionally took care of the mother/child of the people they killed, and wouldn’t shut down their community’s parks and sabotage their community’s schools for a slightly larger take that quarter.

    • protist@mander.xyz
      10 months ago

      I can only assume you’re not referencing this article in your rant, because the guy responsible for this one is under criminal indictment for it