Do any of them know what the word “liberal” actually means?
I’m on the left, but I’m far from a communist, much less an authoritarian one, and I 100% use lib or liberal as an insult. I think to most people younger than 50, Liberal refers to a certain type of Democratic voter. They’ll hang a BLM sign in their window but support NIMBY policies that keep people of color out of their neighborhoods. They’ll talk a good game about labor rights and unions, but still go to Starbucks and throw a shit-fit if their order is wrong. They cared very deeply about Iraq and Guantanamo when Bush was President, but stopped bringing it up once Obama was in office.
The Third Way Democrats of the 90s basically turned American Liberals into Neo-Liberals. I will still support them when I have to, since they hold all the levers of power over the only ostensibly progressive party in America, and not siding with them at this point basically ensures the rise of fascism, but I have no love for Liberals.
don’t usually agree on that much
Where have you been the last 8 years
Yes, leftists absolutely know what the word “liberal” means. It refers to a pro-Capitalist ideology centered around the idea of individual freedoms via private property rights.
Leftists disagree that allowing private property creates a freer population, and understand that Liberalism is the dominant ideology in developed Capitalist nations.
Software developers are staying silent on this one.
“We’d like for our software to ThingDo. Our team has estimated 4 weeks for this work. What’s your estimate?”
“Wait, you want to write it from scratch? Why not just plug in ThingDoer library?”
“…ah, right. Damn libs.”I thought I was in programmer humor for a sec when I first saw the image, then I died a little bit
Republicans are also liberals. At least in the true sense of the word. So it’s low-key funny when they use the term liberal as an insult.
I myself am not a liberal. Fiscally at least. Socially I’m a progressive.
I’m just excited to see what happens when they find out their PC has been invaded by libs.
And then proceeds to own them by deleting them all
In American political terminology, “liberal” means a different thing than in Europe. It implies being left-wing on social issues. Republicans by definition cannot be liberals (in the American sense of the term).
You can tell this was made by a salty neo lib
Lmao check out all the salty libs seeing themselves get called out in these comments.
- sincerely, an anarcho-syndicalist
The only time I ever see evidence of Anarcho types they are being literally as annoying as possible.
Edit for clarity, it’s never “I started this charity/group/political campaign with signups/events/or public engagement.” Only ever “fuck everything, I can’t wait for society to fall apart such that the magic future can begin”
Bro you gotta be constructive not destructive if you want to sway opinions
Anarchists are pretty active in their communities, with mutual aid and direct action being cornerstones of the ideology and whatnot. If you spent any time in activist spaces you’d know that
The point is they need to bring the nice side to public spaces, not be insular with the nice, and turn the mean to everything else.
I think what you’re describing is less of an anarchism problem and more of a “people in general” problem. I’m an anarchist and I’d like to think I conduct myself pretty well for the most part, even in political discussions. I won’t say I haven’t been an ass online or in person before but that’s not due to my ideology. I’m just an ass sometimes. Same as everyone else. I will concede that we can be a bit insular at times and that’s certainly a weak spot for many anarchists
I’ll level with you on that. Everyone is an ass sometimes for sure. I’ve been pretty facetious so far so I’ll try to be more legit in this comment, as you have been legit too.
I’m of course discussing an anecdotal perspective. I totally get down with a lot of what leftists discuss, when they do so constructively.
To clarify: much leftist discourse is about what’s wrong, and destruction of society (to build something better). Eventually it all smells of doomerism. I was anecdotally calling for leftists to talk about constructive things they are attempting, that “the rest of us” could see, and align with.
I acknowledge the world is in a rough spot right now. I acknowledge liberals are not always right. I acknowledge many liberal policies need to go. But from the perspective of the observer… The skeptic… The dude just paying bills and living, liberals are trying to build things, and affect change. Leftists seem to just want to destroy.
My hope would be that through constructive cooperation liberal “realistic” policy is brought closer to leftist idealistic goals.
*Realistic in that the policy actually gets voted on and made into law
I returned because I noticed your edit. I was being a bit snide, mostly because the meme is assuming everyone who calls someone a lib is authoritarian-aligned. If you’d like to know about the positive work I do as an organizer, I’d be happy to share. However, to me those actions are just the right thing to do and not worth bringing up randomly.
That’s fair. Below I clarified as well, this is a meta.thread. of course no one is discussing their work here. Also my opinion is anecdotal. Of course there are leftists who work very hard to move the window, and help others.
…you said, being literally as annoying as possible and contributing nothing constructive
…he said, fully cognizant of the hypocrisy, which is why he decided to contribute a snarky editorial comic
Yeah, that
Bro you gotta be constructive not destructive if you want to sway opinions
At least I admitted my hypocrisy and did something about it. You’re just doubling down on a lazy stereotype to avoid engaging with constructive criticism.
To paraphrase your own claim, it wasn’t “I started this charity/group/political campaign with signups/events/or public engagement.” Only “fuck anarcho types always annoying me”
This is a thread about how folks act. So this is a “meta” politics thread.
This isn’t the place I, or leftists would describe /do that. I’m describing other times and places where said behavior was observed.
Critical thinking.
I ‘am’ an anarcho-communist and I don’t like libtards. Libtards to me are ‘progressive capitalists’ that have no systemic insight what so ever and think all it takes to bring upon heaven on earth is to try and be nice.
I mean, you should try and be nice obviously but you are not going to soy latte your way outta this my dudes.
I don’t like libtards.
You can just call them liberals. You don’t need to meld the term to a slur.
I mean, you should try and be nice obviously
By shaving the first two letters off an r-bomb? Come on, guy. I get what you’re saying, but this is an awful way to phrase it.
Removed by mod
> is anarcho-communist
> accuses others of lacking systemic insight
I’m unsure what you mean by this. Would you be willing to elaborate?
Is a right wing fascist term. I don’t think you’re an anarcho-communist. I think you’re a right wing pretending to be leftist to try to suppress the Democratic vote. You guys have tells.
Almost like AuthComs are authoritarian before they are communist, and thus have more in common with the American Fascist Party than any actual leftists.
wait until you learn about fiscally liberal vs socially liberal.
I will not stand for this anarchist erasure
It’s more that OP seems unable to fathom anyone to the left of them being both rational and uncool with liberalism. That’s why they specifically said “Authouritarian Communists,” the SpOoKiEsT LeFtIsTs.
I’d say they both agree on the main point of both philosophies “everyone has to follow every ridiculous rule I come up with except me”
Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleed…
Authoritarian Communist
I see this term used so often from the lofty reaches of some national news rag or echoing out of a Senate star chamber. The CEO is stamping it into an EULA, as an irrevocable term of service. The corporate union-buster is putting it up in 120 point font in a company wide mandatory power point presentation. The evangelical minister is denouncing it from the pulpit as part of a catechism call-and-response. The nosey neighbor is whispering it into the phone, hoping a SWAT team will remove someone from the block. The police holding you face down in a bucket of water are screaming it in your ears.
Beware the authoritarian communist. Beware the tankies. Beware the Chinese / Russian / Venezuelan social terrorists, fifth columnists, and outside agitators. Beware the college kid in the Che Guevera t-shirt. Beware the Anti-American. Whatever you think we might be doing to you now, they’ll be ten times worse.
It’s just a more politically correct way to say tankie.
I’ve never heard a cop called a Tankie.
But they’re always the ones in the large militant unions demanding more public money while driving around in actual tanks.
To be fair, Chinese cops would probably be tankies.
Few carry guns. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Chinese police equivalent to the NYPD Police Tank that was used to raid the Columbia campus.
Meaningless distinction. Whether it’s military or whatever. Whichever state supported group is shooting and beating and arresting protestors in China, they’re tankies.
Whichever state supported group is shooting and beating and arresting protestors in China
I’m more concerned with the police lashing out at protesters closer to home
Usually because it’s a fascist doing the scratching, so the liberal punches him
What an absolutely childish and moronic way or rewriting history. Typical lib.
That’s all Cryophillia does, lol. Attempt to rewrite definitions and history.
Also call out tankies and fash pretending to be tankies.
Nah, you just call anyone left of Social Democrats “tankie,” lol.
Most of em are
It’s an infestation
Everything is scary when you’re scared of everything.
Punching Nazis into dust since 1941. Commies too.
You’re just salty because our superior ideology beat yours into dust (this applies if you’re an actual communist or just a right wing agitator pretending to be one).
I use lib for shared objects.
“Liberalism is the ideology of capitalism, free markets, representative democracy, legal rights and state monopoly on violence. It includes a large portion of the present day political spectrum, from the centre-left social democrats to the far-right conservatives and American libertarians.”
That is… a lot of people
Yes. Liberalism is the dominant ideology in the World today.