Nothing adds more to a party than graph paper
If you want to up your game for your next party, try hex paper.
Beer D&D.
A party typically includes a fighter, magic user, thief and cleric.
What party did you think I was referring to?
A party typically includes a fighter, magic user, thief and cleric.
…at a tavern!
OMG! The memory you just unlocked. Me as the shitty level 1 magic user with magic missile and a dagger. My first campaign was Keep on the Borderlands.
Hello and welcome to the Red Dragon Inn!
Take a shot whenever you get hit. When you pass out, if your friends take care of you, you should recover in 1d4 hours.
That’s 16 shots to whomever loses. No joke, I’d be drunk for 2 days if I had that many.
They don’t all have to be shots of spirits, adjust your drink based on how smashed you’re planning on getting. I played shot chess a few years ago, the pawns were beer, the other pieces were different drinks increasing in strength up to the king which was absinthe.
Good point. These shots look like they could be beer.
So, no rematch
I’d be drunk for as long as it took for me to lose consciousness and have my stomach pumped
Assuming you lived.
This is how all global conflicts should be resolved.
I have played this before! The set of boards were made of wood and a door hinge and a white board up top for your guesses. Would be fun to 3D print the ships
I have a friend who did this (3D printed the ships) and had it at his wedding.