Now that’s some dank strains. Someone needs to be at out critical mass and blue dream, and I think we found our man… Facelikeapotato, we don’t deserve you, but we need you
Theres funny names for beetles though
Theres a beetle named after beyonce, iirc
There’s funny names for everything really. There is a gene that scientists named after sonic the hedgehog.
Cause it’s beetles all the way down
They better name a dinosaur after Skuntank!
we could continue to speak latin today…
I love stuff like this. Here are some real dinosaur/extinct creature names!
Sauroniops: Literally means Eye of Sauron
Dracorex Hogwartsia: Dragon King of Hogwarts
Thanos Simonattoi: after Thanos
Irritator Challengeri: he was hard to dig up and scientists were angry
Gasosaurus: discovered while a gas company was being built.
Gojirasaurus: self explanatory
Attenborosaurus: plesiosaurus named after David Attenborough.
Crichtonosaurus: similar to an ankylo and named after author of Jurassic Park
Bambiraptor sounds cute, and it’s named after the deer (because it was deer sized), but it was a fierce and deadly creature.
There’s so many more; I could nerd out forever. I miss when I was a little girl, and people would actually talk to me about dinosaurs…
Please, dinosaurs today would get 20 year corporate licenses. Arby’s-osaurus Rex; Modelo-dactyl — “for those with the flying spirit”
deleted by creator
Now advertising companies would pay to slap the name of their brand on dinosaurs:
- Cocapteryx colacerus
- Teslasaurus muskatus
- Primeraptor amazonii
Don’t give them ideas!
I think it’s less that biologists stopped using Latin and more that we’re running out of Latin
Well then, invent more.
People keep saying it’s a dead language, but I keep seeing it around. Sounds more like a goddamn lazy language to me!
Not to ruin the moment here or anything but this is the first properly funny comment I’ve seen on Lemmy. I used to spend most of my time on Reddit just hunting around for funny comments so I feel like the transition is now complete, so thanks
👉’Attasaurus, Rex 👉