Former US president Donald Trump raised eyebrows among his no-nonsense New Jersey crowd at a rally Saturday when he recited a 1963 soul song in its entirety and referenced a fictional cannibal as "great.""A tenderhearted woman saw a poor, half-frozen snake," Trump said, reciting -- but not singing -- the song to the crowd.
The article lost me at “[Trump’s] no-nonsense New Jersey crowd at a rally”.
Am I supposed to assume that the folks showing up at a Trump rally are no-nonsense? I beg your forgiveness, but I’m struggling with that one. Maybe I’m misunderstanding.
As for “draws yawns” and “raises eyebrows”, cool stuff if some of these folks are feeling fatigue from the hate machine or are newly perplexed by their political leader. Better late than never, I suppose.
Frankly a no-nonsense crowd implies existence of a nonsense crowd for Trump and frankly I miss the fun crazy. The genocidal crazy is getting to be too much these days.
The “fun crazy” was just a distraction while he raped the nation and the planet. The one place you won’t see the scam is where the street hustler tells you to look.
Brian Regan “ Nonsense Judge”
Yeah, instead of no-nonsense they could’ve write “sense”…