Literally New Game+
- Start fresh with no ongoing quests for income
- Getting quests is harder due to higher speech check requirements
- Certain quests will now be permanently locked-out
- Some NPCs are now default passive-hostile due to certain achievements you now have in your catalogue
- Start at a higher level but stats on paper are lower levelled so you will have to compete for lower level bounties
Wrong post?
Its in reference to him coming back to life and leaving prison with the new life situation he is in
Why is someone going septic from renal stones still in his cell and not in a hospital? He should sue for not receiving medical care.
Yes, but USA and medical care is almost an oximoron
Sounds like a prison hospital is all you get if you murder people. Seems fair to me tbh, not a big fan of murderers.
Withholding medical care or administrating poor or neglectful medical care certainly sounds cruel and unusual to me.
Don’t engage with them, look at the username. I wish more trolls were this upfront about it.
And what does murder sound like to you
Can you confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that absolutely everyone in that prison is actually a murderer?
No, but that’s how Japan does it and look at the crime rate over there.
And there was that one guy who claimed that scientifically every cell in our body regenerates every 7 years, so after 7 years you are no longer the same person who committed the crime. So prisoners should not have to stay in prison more than 7 years.
He’s still living in the same body, so no dice.
Except if he had several life sentences
Not sure if it is the same article but a search gave multiple hits with articles using the same picture, so I guess at least those are the same? Man is still I prison.
“If I paid for death, I’m gonna use all of it”