Let my people go…BROTHER!
That sea can’t stop us! No wayyyy!
tears tunic in half
tears red sea in half
My tag team partner Yahweh and I are about to turn your firstborn into 24-in pythons, Brother!
The 24 inch python joke should clearly be made about Aaron’s staff… iykyk
Yahweh aka Jake the Snake!
The Lord’s chosen people are all the little Hulkamaniacs out there, oh you know it brother!
Did Moses have a brother?
Hahahahahaha you’re a fucking genius friend
This based on what?
Old episodes of thunder in Paradise
Moses clearly owned a liquor still
and has Chinese doll hair
Or maybe not brother
Its funny because the hulkster went full jesusfreak on us.
Too much steroids and coke
A tale as old as time
I need two of ALL of you to join ARCAMANIA!
/rips off his shirt
My favourite bible passage is the one where Moses goes to see Pharo, and tells him that the Jews are trying to form a union.
More like split the seas for the NWO rebellion
So science that it much be true
It was Jesse Ventura all along!
Moses was Vesemir!