If a French-speaking person gives you shit for pronouncing words in French wrong, dare them to say “LinkedIn” in the presence of your English-speaking fluency and try to not humiliate themselves. Maybe first bait then with one they can do, like “Facebook” before crushing their spirits.
Like we could get mean with “squirrel” or “thorough” or “hedgehog”, but those are less reasonable that they’d have fucking consistent practice with.
Every bank and government institution in France separates the “Mc” from the second part, resulting in lost records, odd looking bank cards, fucked up tax returns etc etc
If a French-speaking person gives you shit for pronouncing words in French wrong, dare them to say “LinkedIn” in the presence of your English-speaking fluency and try to not humiliate themselves. Maybe first bait then with one they can do, like “Facebook” before crushing their spirits.
Like we could get mean with “squirrel” or “thorough” or “hedgehog”, but those are less reasonable that they’d have fucking consistent practice with.
Ha ha ask a yank to pronounce “squirrel” or “mirror” you’ll get sqwrrrrrrl and meeeeer
I just have them speak my name. Lived in France for 12 years now and not 1 has got it right.
I have a Scottish name that starts with “Mc”
Every bank and government institution in France separates the “Mc” from the second part, resulting in lost records, odd looking bank cards, fucked up tax returns etc etc
Wouldn’t change it for the world 😂