WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal judge in Florida presiding over the classified documents prosecution of former President Donald Trump has canceled the May 20 trial date, postponing it indefinitely.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal judge in Florida presiding over the classified documents prosecution of former President Donald Trump has canceled the May 20 trial date, postponing it indefinitely.
While that may explain a lack of impartiality, it doesn’t justify it. She’s held to the same standard as any other judge. All the more reason Smith should file a motion for recusal.
Just because something is supposed to happen does not mean that it will. By all rights Trump should have been kicked out of office and be sitting in jail right now but he isnt. Just like Nixon and a whole cadre of others that slithered away without facing any real consequences.
Just because things that should have happened and didn’t, doesn’t mean this time it won’t. This judge may face repercussions. It may not be any that impact the trump case though
Id love to be wrong here but Trump has been impeached twice (which did jack shit because the republicans in the senate would have had to help convict him) and the only real consequences for what hes done were in civil trials and even that was monetary. They didnt even make him pay the bail bond he was initially “required” to pay. He’s been threatened with consequences for contempt of court over a dozen times now.
Unfortunately the best predictor of the future is the past and the past hasnt laid a hand on him.
Oh sure sure. I’m saying this JUDGE may face repercussions.
Trump ? Idk I’m hanging on a prayer as the song says.
Has anyone in a position of authority ever faced consequences for this? Because in Cannon’s case, you’d have to prove that she didn’t have a legitimate reason to do what she did and that it rose to the level of an ethics violation deserving of punishment. Which we can infer given the obvious conflict of interest but if that was enough to punish her it would have probably happened by now. And the standard for evidence required to punish a judge like that is reasonably high.
which seems to be no standard at all…
yet he inexplicably does not… hmm I wonder
He has not, but while her actions have been unconventional, she’s toed the line a bit when challenged. I’m hoping that removing the case from the calendar entirely is what pushes Smith to act.
I can bet you one million internet points he will not move against her.
Believe me, I will be very happy to lose this bet to you… but I have been burnt too many times to believe that will happen
holds breath
That standard, on a normal day, is “Hey Judge? Do whatever the fuck you want long as it’s legal.” on a bad day that legality isn’t even a question.
One of the bad things about the US is how you can get a 5 year sentence from Judge A and a court order to do community service from Judge B, both trying you for the same thing.
She is tought to be held at same standard but unfortunately there seems to be no institutional mechanism that reviews her performance and decisions…