I know this is just a shit post but fuck is this eurocentric and a bit racist let me refer you to the world happiness rank. The
Corruption Perceptions Index and This map of real GDP.
One of the big problems with HDI is that it fails to consider inequality and non-income material conditions; a country with 1 person making 1B/y and 999 people living in abject poverty gets the same per capita GNI as a country of 1000 people making 1m/y who have free housing, transport, and healthcare.
The latter obviously has better conditions for more people.
Freedom in the world index. IMO the best indicator of how easy it is to live in a specific place.
While I wouldn’t call this shitpost accurate and I myself don’t really like it, you can’t say that the rough simplified categories don’t have any base.
I know this is just a shit post but fuck is this eurocentric and a bit racist let me refer you to the world happiness rank. The Corruption Perceptions Index and This map of real GDP.
Here’s human rights index. Lots of different ways to measure things, none of them great.
Human development index matches decently except Australia
One of the big problems with HDI is that it fails to consider inequality and non-income material conditions; a country with 1 person making 1B/y and 999 people living in abject poverty gets the same per capita GNI as a country of 1000 people making 1m/y who have free housing, transport, and healthcare.
The latter obviously has better conditions for more people.
I thought hdi did take into account using the median instead of the mean metrics, but I’m not super familiar with how hdi is calculated.
There is a IHDI (inequality-adjusted Human Development Index):
GDP and GDP Growth are both useless metrics
Yeah they are. That is why I used Real GDP Growth. It is still not a great metric but it is a little better than GDP and GDP Growth.
Freedom in the world index. IMO the best indicator of how easy it is to live in a specific place.
While I wouldn’t call this shitpost accurate and I myself don’t really like it, you can’t say that the rough simplified categories don’t have any base.