Even the judge hates that Google keeps shutting down projects unexpectedly
Put them in the graveyard
“it’s shocking they didn’t make a record of their illegal behaviors”
It is shocking because they did it after the investigation had started, which is monumentally stupid.
You can destroy any records you want at any time, unless there’s an investigation underway or you have good reason to believe one will be starting. At that point, you’re destroying evidence.
The crazy part is the implication that the evidence destroyed was probably more damning than having a judge and jury assume anything reasonably suggested to have been implicated by those chats as true.
I wager they’re so used to getting away with shit that destroying evidence probably says less about the crimes committed and more about the piss-poor justice system.
*sigh* After reading some of the other comments, I have to agree. I’m not sure whether to be relieved or even more discouraged. It’s a dreadfully boring dystopia.
Must be the evidence was more damning than the SCT of destroying evidence
No, it’s shocking that the destroyed evidence after being explicitly instructed not to.
$10 says they’re backed up somewhere.
A company like Google has redundant backups in their veins.
Just sayin.
Don’t Be Evil!^TM
Just tell DOJ the guy in charge of server backup and retention didn’t know what they were doing. Worked for Hillary.