…and you’re in your 50s.
When your school life ends and you realize you’ll never have 3 months vacations ever again in your life and will only have rest again after 47 years, if you live that far…
I thought of this one day and it did seem a tad depressing, but on the other hand…
I did well in school, but I could never just mentally relax. After being at school all day, there was always something I was supposed to still be doing…homework, studying, etc. my time at home was never fully “me time,” as there was always more work I was supposed to be doing at home.
Now that I work full time, when I get home, there’s nothing I’m obligated to do. I physically cannot take work home from my job and I’m very happy that it works that way. I can completely and fully relax and forget about work at the end of the day. There’s no homework or studying that I’m supposed to be doing. Plus, I make money now as opposed to when I was in school and so I can buy whatever the fuck I want.
I realize that not everyone has a job like that. My brother has a WFH job and seems like he works 24/7. But I’m thankful that I have an entirely separate work life…I’m either on the clock physically at work or I’m not. And I have a much more satisfactory work life balance than I did when I was in school.
Look at Mr.RichGuy over here getting to retire.
I’m a simple man. I see a George Costanza meme and i upvote
I think it’s hilarious that on the front page, we have both a meme about how shitty Jerry Seinfeld is and a bunch of people in the comments talking about how Seinfeld the show wasn’t funny and also a meme using a picture from an episode of Seinfeld.
Just because something is memeable doesn’t mean it was the funniest thing ever. Memeable usually implies some amount of lowest common denominator, which I think the Seinfeld detractors would agree fits the show.
Okay? I never said Seinfeld was the funniest thing ever.
You implied they are incompatible (Seinfeld being unfunny and Seinfeld being memeable)
No, I didn’t imply anything. I directly said the juxtaposition was made me laugh.
But also, there are degrees between ‘unfunny’ and ‘the funniest thing ever,’ so even if I did imply that, I still never said Seinfeld was the funniest thing ever.
Dude, try 40 years
What’s a lunch break?