I’m sick of random capitalisations mid sentence. I’m sick of common words being replaced by less common ones or even downright nonsense. I’m sick of it taking three attempts to successfully get the word I want. I swear it’s been like this for five years or more. Can we have a better version yet, or at least the old one back?
I tried to swipe some word earlier and it decided what really wanted to say was ConocoPhillips. Why the fuck is that even in the dictionary in my phone? When would I ever want to say that?
For real. If someone could SCTUALLY (oh look another issue. It fails to work out the word if the first letter is wrong far too often) *ACTUALLY answer this question I’d be halfway happy
It seems to very a lot from phone to phone. My current phone is terrible. It “corrects” words I don’t want it to, and leaves in obvious typos.
When it changes a word that you’ve spelled correctly and intentionally into something completely different is when I want to chuck the thing across the room.
Or when it “corrects” a word I didn’t want, so I delete the part it changed and then type in what I want to say and it “corrects” it again into the same thing I just deleted. Satan could learn a thing or two from whoever invented that “feature.”
it varies per keyboard. you can install third party keyboard apps that offer different dictionaries and autocorrect capabilities.
i try to train words that i use as shorthand or slang for years it completely ignores me. i accidently end my email address .comd instead of .com once 5 years ago!! will that thing forget it no never
I disagree. I’ve been using SwiftKey for years and it’s decent. It’s by no means mind blowing, especially given the current state of affairs with LLMs, but it’s not crap.
Strongly disagree. I’m using SwiftKey, and the prediction has been awful for the last year or so. It constantly tries to force sentences on me and gives me multiple repeated words.
As an example, typing that last sentence, every time I started a word with ‘m’, it suggested ‘more’ and ‘more than’. If I long press and tell it not to suggest ‘more than’, then select ‘more’, the next suggested word is ‘than’.
I find that it often repeats the selected word too. Earlier I typed something like ‘I did it last year’ and the next suggestions were ‘year’ and ‘year ago’.
Microsoft have shoehorned a predictive AI into SwiftKey, and it doesn’t work properly.
Hmm I wonder if we just have different settings for it or use it differently. I mostly use SwiftKey these days as a fix for my terrible typing, rather than as predictive text. The predictive text is pretty bad in my opinion, but I’ll tell you what SwiftKey thinks about itself below.
(prompt in bold) SwiftKey predictive text is not associated to my records and the other two phases are slack and the other two phases are slack and the other two phases are slack (end of predictions)
It seems Microsoft hasn’t added GPT to it yet… Can’t even remember the last time I talked about slack.
I’ve had SwiftKey for a long time as well. My biggest gripe is it likes to change tense/pluralization of words randomly, it seems, as well as dropping post-apostrophe letters. It entirely flips the meaning from “can’t” to “can” at the worst, while also makes me seem not so smart when I say “there are 133 word in this comments”.
it’s so good it sometimes even offers other people’s suggestions
Not crap but pretty dissapointing from the company that owns gpt. Their big new release is the ability to to us gen. AI to create graphical stickers in your texts😔. I think LLM integration into texting is inevitable and will be really the ideal use of this technology, but it will be quite resource taxing and might be another year or two before high quality implementation.
My experience as well!! Maybe it’s not 100% accurate but it works well enough I can use it frustration free. Definitely hasn’t gotten worse. My only complaint is since the ios 17 update it randomly switches back to the default keyboard until you close and open the text box again but that’s not a predictive text problem.
I get so many typos now that aren’t even a word. And I seriously can’t even wirt proofreading anymore because it’s just gotten so bad I no longer even care of I sound like I had a stroke.
Or how about with apple, when it autocorrects a word, and you want to manually click to the middle of the word, or even to the beginning or end, it fuckin highlights the word endlessly. That’s one of the most frustrating for me.
I’ve Al’s it entirely stopped using swype because it’s so dogshit now. I used to love it.
Swype typing still working awesome for me on Gboard.
What’s Gboard?
Edit: ugh, it’s google? That it’s own problem I’d like to avoid
It would solve two of your problems though, that’s a pretty good bargain.
This sounds like user error to me. Hold the spacebar, then drag your thumb to move the cursor exactly where you want it.
Fully aware of that function. As I said elsewhere, it just doesn’t come naturally to me to do that. It’s like using the arrows on a keyboard to move the cursor through text. It works, but I just use the mouse and click where I want to edit. If using the mouse didn’t work in certain instances, I’d have the same complaint. I want to click where I want, when I want. Not use a function I don’t naturally use when the computer forces me to. See what I’m saying? Doesn’t change the problem that there’s a workaround. It shouldn’t need a workaround for a super basic, incredibly common function.
Actually using the arrows along with ctrl and shift is much faster than taking your hands off the keyboard and using the mouse. Would recommend
T9 text worked wonderfully, and it’s only gotten worse from there.
My phone knows my age, my account(s) know my age, the phone maker knows my age, so please for the love of the gods stop removing my cusses. It should damn well know that I have almost never intentionally typed “ducking” and yet I often correct words to "fucking"enough to be able to learn some basic usage patterns. I’m 30 years old, stop “correcting” my text like I’m 5.
Also some really obvious words are constantly “corrected”. My phone will not let me start a sentence with “We’ll”. It will, without fail, change it to “Well” and I have to fix it.
SwiftKey will let you say fuck cunt shit all day. I’m sure other keyboards will too but I haven’t researched for a better one in a while since this one is fine.
I actually can’t complain. It’s not perfect, but I’m far from being as outraged as the OP. I used to love SwiftKey, it was amazing with text prediction, even when you had two languages on at the same time (I’m bilingual, so it was really handy). Since Microsoft bought it, it started going downhill and when I found that I can’t just transfer my settings when I get a new phone, I switched to Gboard. Again, not perfect, but not terrible either. I will try out some of the recommendation from this thread though.
I don’t have as much trouble with text prediction as with the existent dictionaries for my native language. “Español rioplatense” (argentina, uruguay) exists as an option for many programs and devices but for some reason, it is just a copy from “español de españa”. This means, it is constantly trying to correct things that were correct on the first place.
I blame this on american racism and their small view of the world.
Also, i usually write in three languages and text prediction is pretty useful.
For me, every time it suggests the correct base word, it gets the ending wrong, so I have to type out the whole word anyway. For example, if I want past tense it’ll suggest the present tense of the word.
Now that I think about it. Autocorrect sucks! It was made to make up for the inferiority of an onscreen keyboard (which I do prefer for this obvious reasons).
When I type on a computer keyboard, after a paragraph or a few sentences, I check if any words has a red underline and that kind of makes me proof read things as I type.
Autocorrect does the opposite, it “fixes” things you type so when you look back it’s fire and you press send.
deleted by creator
If and of, in and on, so and no, these words keep getting corrected for eachother when it shouldn’t. I’ve tried resetting auto correct to make sure I didn’t teach it to do that.
It’s all getting worse, I swear Swype worked near flawlessly fifteen years ago. I’ve used iNsturalist for years to identify plants and animals. lately it doesn’t know what anything is. It thought a bird was a bullfrog yesterday. Search results, GPTs, all nearing unusability.
Yep swype around 2010-12 was the golden age of this stuff. I distinctly remember being on a bus commute being amazed how quickly I could pump out work emails, and documents on way to work on maybe an LG android smartphone with no manual invention required on spelling or grammar. Ancient times. Just typing out this comment on mobile in 2024 I’ve had to recorrect every 4th to 5th word , either I mistyped and it doesnt autocorrect correctly , or its autochanging correct words to wrong ones. I have big fingers but the phone is the higgest I’ve had. Clearly these enshittertech corporations dont make money from making better or more useful products .
Yes, fully agree. They make absolutely no sense at all.
Considering that predicting the next word from context is the one thing LLMs are really good at, I just don’t understand how none of these developments have found their way into predictive keyboards.
I’ve actually switched to ThumbKey and while I don’t think I’m faster with it (yet), it’s at least so much less frustrating and that’s worth a lot to me.
It’s strange because it worked perfectly on older phones. Then smartphones came out and it became worse and worse over time.
It worked great on Blackberry and earlier Samsung Galaxy S devices… How did they make it worse?