So I have balls and yeah they’re the first thing on my body to start to smell. I can skip a shower if I’m in a hurry and I don’t smell much. That’s with working a job that’s usually physical. I was a punk kid fucking punk girls when I was younger and we didn’t bathe every day. I didn’t notice much smell then.
Now I see these ads regularly that are like hey women you stink after 12 hrs 5/10. What’s up?
Your balls start to smell first? Wonder why. Inadequate wiping? My armpits will start to go musky after about 4 days in the same clothes. That’s my first thing to go. 🤷♂️
After 4 days
My guys, you should get that smell test sanity checked
You don’t produce as much oil when you shower less which is what the smelliest bacteria consume.
Exactly. I started showering less often but with more naturally oily soaps (Aleppo soap mainly) and I don’t need to shower as often since a few years back now. Feels much better. Less stress, better hygiene, no such problems, no itching anywhere, no nothing.
Must not live in a very humid area, 4 days wouldn’t fly here for anyone that goes outside at all
I can tell when I do smell. I can also sense my deodorant until I start to smell. So nothing wrong with my sense of smell. It’s actually quite sensitive. I’m just very clean, I suppose. I don’t sweat much when I move a lot. 🤷♂️
You guys are wiping your balls? You must suck at shitting
You don’t stand on all fours while shitting? No wonder your balls aren’t getting a share of that shit.
I’m 40 years old and my balls are quite long. Different body bacteria maybe? I shower after I shit so it’s got nothing to do with wiping.
Like, a bidet? Or a full-blown no-clothes shower?
Yeah…tell us. Do you take your clothes off? Describe it. Like, slow. In a whisper.
I uh… slip my pants down and uhh.
Nah I am very regular and it’s rare for me not to take a FULLY NAKED FULL BODY shower shortly after I shit.
Well “regular” is relative. And you don’t sound regular. You sound very ir -regular. In that it’s normal for you to shower after you shit. (Jk I knew what you meant).
Why don’t you get a bidet? You’d save so much water.
^That ^was ^all ^I ^needed.
Research 😏
Yeah, measure how long your balls are and share
Depends, in all honesty. Temperature and how late I am into exercise e.g. Anywhere from 3-7 cm maybe?
That must be weird at work, or do you leave and come back?
If I have to shit at work I must be sick. I haven’t shit at work in years. I shit once a day in the morning. I eat a lot of fiber.
Wow. I’m envious. I shit like three-four times a day (morning after waking up, possibly after breakfast, after lunch, after dinner). And I don’t eat a lot of fiber. 😭 At least it’s a proper texture, otherwise my asshole would be in trouble.
😂 bro, didn’t even think about that. They probably don’t, eh.
Edit: I meant they probably don’t poo at work. Not that they don’t work.
I have a really good sense of smell; trust me, you smell after one day and just can’t smell it yourself until day four. I’m sorry if this comes as a surprise.
Asked my friend today if I smell, a day after I showered. And I did some pretty rigorous activities today as well. They agreed to smell me, but said I don’t smell.
What now? Trust your smell, when you have never smelled me? You’re just as full of shit as everyone in this thread replying to me. Not because I’m saying you don’t have a good sense of smell. I bet you do, and I bet you can smell people who do smell bad. But I don’t smell bad. Deal with it. I’m really starting to think it’s a jealousy thing here. People can’t accept that I have good hygiene for some absolutely fucking absurd reason.