Here’s my prediction. Over the next couple decades the internet is going to be so saturated with fake shit and fake people, it’ll become impossible to use effectively, like cable television. After this happens for a while, someone is going to create a fast private internet, like a whole new protocol, and it’s going to require ID verification (fortunately automated by AI) to use. Your name, age, and country and state are all public to everybody else and embedded into the protocol.
The new ‘humans only’ internet will be the new streaming and eventually it’ll take over the web (until they eventually figure out how to ruin that too). In the meantime, they’ll continue to exploit the infested hellscape internet because everybody’s grandma and grampa are still on it.
That sounds very reasonable as a prediction. I could see it being a pretty interesting black mirror episode. I would love it to stay as fiction though.
Generative AI has really become a poison. It’ll be worse once the generative AI is trained on its own output.
Here’s my prediction. Over the next couple decades the internet is going to be so saturated with fake shit and fake people, it’ll become impossible to use effectively, like cable television. After this happens for a while, someone is going to create a fast private internet, like a whole new protocol, and it’s going to require ID verification (fortunately automated by AI) to use. Your name, age, and country and state are all public to everybody else and embedded into the protocol.
The new ‘humans only’ internet will be the new streaming and eventually it’ll take over the web (until they eventually figure out how to ruin that too). In the meantime, they’ll continue to exploit the infested hellscape internet because everybody’s grandma and grampa are still on it.
That sounds very reasonable as a prediction. I could see it being a pretty interesting black mirror episode. I would love it to stay as fiction though.
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