One thing Bob knows is pulling things. Usually, it’s at massage parlors, but hey.
So is sex work shameful or not? Make up your mind guys
Sex work is fine. Billionaires supporting a fascist genocide is not.
So why bring sex work into it?
I don’t know anything about what the OP was referring to, so I couldn’t tell you.
Oh, so you jumped in to defend someone while, admittedly, having no idea what was going on? I’m confused.
I don’t need the context of the situation to know either statement is true. If the guy had something with sex workers, I’d need more context to actually criticize those actions. As it stand though, sex work is fine, billionaires are bad, and billionaires supporting fascist genocides makes me wonder why we aren’t drawing and quartering.
Bu-bu-bu-but my grandstanding!
Yeah this argument can fuck right off with that self-righteous snark. This is pretty cut and dry. Being a sex worker is not shameful. Being a rich-bitch actual confirmed asshole partied with anti-sexwork rhetoric politics accused of alleged sex work IS shameful, and additionally funny. Stop sucking billionaire cock. It’s funny because of the hypocrisy; not the sex work.
Stop sucking billionaire cock.
Unless you get paid for it.
Being a rich-bitch actual confirmed asshole partied with anti-sexwork rhetoric politics accused of alleged sex work IS shameful, and additionally funny.
“He should be insulted for it because he spent time with some people who oppose it!” lol. Imagine typing this out while accusing other people of grandstanding.
Spent some time with people who oppose it
I think I know the type of person I’m talking to now.
Yes, I’m sure you’re projecting “the type of person” I am now too.
More a question of the man’s financial priorities.
This is why we need to strengthen department of education. Otherwise these asshole billionaires will run education system like theirs own fiefdoms.
Of course repubes want to get rid of department of education. Perfectly on brand.
Yes, tell the administrators to whip those students into shape, that’ll bring them around.
Certainly won’t have any blowback in the least.
We need to just, like, cancel money. Fuck these twats and their useless ignorant influence. How dare you put education on the line to defend genocide
garbage human
No idea who he is but good for him. If more of the aristocracy announce themselves we will know who to not give a fuck about.
No idea how he got rich, but he owns the NE Patriots (US) football team
He’s pulling support from the school that’s cracking down so heavily and violently on the protests? What’s he for I’m having trouble understanding the logic here.
It’s easy. He wants more pressure, more punishment, also it’s a good excuse to get out now since colleges are doomed in the US due to reasons.
What reasons
Oh, the massive loan fraud situation, corporate poatching of talent and patents, the fact that most collages are run by a bunch of greedy, nepotistic fucks, whose concern for acedemia begins and ends with football teams.
The slow moving enshitification has been going on for years, and soon people who want to be taken seriously in the market place will either avoid US collages altogether or go to foreign collages.
Uni’s will be fine, but collages? Without management reform, we’ll be seeing a downward curve regarding their legitimacy - from an academic point of view, of course.
Schools are taking people’s free speech! Wait, I’m not donating to schools until they do it more! But to those I dislike!
It should be prohibited for schools, hospitals and politics to depend on investors
Well, it’s not an investor, just a donor. Almost all universities and colleges are non-profits, so they do not have investors.
I dont really care what they are called. They donate not as charity but to get something in return. It can be promotion, goodwill, influence, access to top picks etc. That is IMO investing
Sure, I get what you mean. But how do you stop that in any non-profit? It could be a local community organization that buys books for kids, then some rich guy donates a shit ton of specific books. You can’t stop people from donating, yknow?
(edit: for the record, I was the upvote on that last comment, not the downvote. not trying to make this a fight)
Actually, you can tell people “no thank you”… to go with your example, if the books donated were Mein Kampf or something like that.
I am not arguing against donations. My point is them being depended on them. Some places it is free to go to university, college etc. medical care. Other places it costs a fee. There is no reason for them to become dependent on donations especially politicians
Also who cares about up/down votes!?
Not saying I care about the votes. Just saying I don’t downvote people in a discussion (unless they are engaging in bad faith/trolling), since I noticed someone had downvoted your comment almost immediately.
That being said, even in some countries with excellent health care standards, organizations depend on outside donations. I imagine a similar thing happens in education but I can’t say for sure, since it isn’t my field.
Although, just for the sake of playing devil’s advocate, any system dependent on govt funding could be corrupted by the govt’s agenda, just like a donor could shape a nonprofit.
I agree, that they are, but argue that they shouldn’t
Almost all universities and colleges are non-profits
That’s more a tax-dodge gambit than a reflection of their business policies.
No relation to Kraft/Heinz, so continue to enjoy your boxed mac n cheese.
I will continue to not watch football o7
Uncomfortable billionaire is at least a step in the right direction
So he’s pulling support from the school, effectively he supports the protesters and staff who walked and not the school who is trying to make them go away. I don’t care about his mouth words, his actions matter more.
I’m pulling my funding from Kraft goods
So he will stop donating. Funding is not what he is doing. The school is funded without this schmuck.
Columbia has a $13.6B endowment, which has consistently grown at 8-10% annually.
Kraft has historically donated in the $5M range annually. So, less than 1% of what the university earns on a portfolio whose principle never gets touched.
… Palestinians? I thought they were protesting Gustavo Petro’s reforms.