I don’t mean something like “pour” or “mix” in the English language. The word should capture the idea of pouring from one vessel into another with the goal of going from a semi-heterogenous solution to a mostly-homogeneous solution.
I commonly do this to mix my cocktails. I’m not sure why, but it just seems quicker/easier than either shaking or stirring.
Thanks in advance! Just trying to figure out if it already exists before looking into making up a word for it!
I believe the word you’re looking for is “Rolling”! It’s specifically a mixology term for mixing by pouring between containers. It’s mentioned in the techniques section of this page: https://bartendertrainingcenter.com/bartending-techniques/
Yes! This is what I was looking for! Thanks!
In English you “Throw a cocktail” to mix it
Oh how interesting. this may be the closest thing to what the ops is asking
There are a few variations in German:
- (hin)zugießen/dazugießen (pour one liquid into another)
- (hin)zuschütten/dazuschütten (also including rubble/powder/…)
- (hin)zugeben/dazugeben/hineingeben/beimischen/hineinmischen (also including solids, basically add+mix)
- (hin)einrühren (also stir the mixture)
- zusammengießen (pour liquids into each other)
- zusammenschütten (also including rubble/powder/…)
- zusammenmischen (also including solids, basically combine+mix)
- zusammenrühren (also stir the mixture)
Ofc all of them are combinations of existing words: (hin)zu/dazu≈added to that, bei≈with, (hin)ein=into, gießen/schütten=pour, schutt=rubble, geben=give, rühren=stir, mischen=mix, zusammen=together. You could probably build many more, but those are the ones I think are fairly common, and also found entries in German online dictionaries for.
German is really just an elaborate word construction project.
Ah you mean the good old turbulent transfer!
(I just made that up)
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