I always thought those whoe said susa instead of soos are wrong.
Suse stands for “Software und System-Entwicklung” https://linuxiac.com/opensuse/
Edit: Yes, she can still be wrong but then it’s supported by the rest of susa’s staff https://youtu.be/RsME20zXbQI&t=13
So it’s a joke by suse themself?
English pronunciation seems more like a joke by the makers of the English language itself.
No, obviously not.
The joke and the funny song still works, but his pronounciation is simply wrong. He pronounces something like “Susa” with an a.
The correct pronounciatuon of this e goes - as another commenter already said - like the first e in ‘mesmerized’.
It’s a schwa, the most common vowel in English.
I have heard that the French have created their very own pronounciation for “computer”.
They say “ordinateur”.
Unless there’s a joke I’m missing, this a weird way to say French simply has a different word with different roots for computer.
You are saying suse publishes a video about how to pronounciate suse with an incorrect pronounciation?
As another German, I can confirm that the “first e in mesmer” way is how Germans would pronounce it. See for example 11seconds into this German video also officially from SUSE’s YouTube channel - a SUSE employee and German native speaker who is moderating a series of talks is using that pronunciation.
It’s just a tiny mistake that most Germans are used to hearing Americans make all the time (see also Porsche which is also not pronounced porsh, nor por-shay, but porsh-eh) and will politely ignore, but since this aims to be an educational video, should be pointed out to be slightly incorrect
That’s great, thx. Hence, in German it’s suse and in English it’s officially susa.
LOL so they have just given up :)