OK, so cases where you control both ends of the communication. Thanks for the clarification.
OK, so cases where you control both ends of the communication. Thanks for the clarification.
I’m a developer and would appreciate you going into more specifics about which certificates you suggest pinning.
12.5/8=1.5625, so the Euro price went up by 56.25%
As another German, I can confirm that the “first e in mesmer” way is how Germans would pronounce it. See for example 11seconds into this German video also officially from SUSE’s YouTube channel - a SUSE employee and German native speaker who is moderating a series of talks is using that pronunciation.
It’s just a tiny mistake that most Germans are used to hearing Americans make all the time (see also Porsche which is also not pronounced porsh, nor por-shay, but porsh-eh) and will politely ignore, but since this aims to be an educational video, should be pointed out to be slightly incorrect
Thanks for sharing! I agree with your main point about overall emissions not changing too much since most of that reduction comes from feedlots already.
One small addition: the product that I originally linked is based on 3-nitrooxypropanol, a petrochemical-derived active ingredient, not from red algae (so there is probably a different calculation about production cost and CO2 impact than growing, processing and transporting red algae on a large scale).
Fun fact, there is already a food additive to reduce methane emissions from cows
The pre mixed spices list their contents and it’s not that hard to come up with something similar by just using the individual ingredients.