Can we fix it?
Meh, I dunno. Probably not. Does it even matter?
Tbf they were mainly battle droids
Depending on the canon (because iirc I don’t recall if it’s in the new Disney canon) droids can be detected by the force, and also by some are considered sentient beings. BattleDroids weren’t quite as independently sentient though, from what I recall.
Can we build it?!
Well, let’s get a few consultants and see if the plan is viable. Then we can get a few contactors and our board will need to approve them. So, short answer is, maybe if it’s within budget. Expect movement on this project in 18 to 36 months.
I’ll talk to my land agent, see what they think about the plot. If that goes well we’ll file for the permits and go from there.
That’s relatable
Everything has a beginning