This is a dumb take. Her only job was to make sure the weapons are safe, and she had live ammo on set. The producers may share some of the blame with her, but she’s no fall guy.
She was also supposedly complaining about the judge and jury on her recorded phone calls. The judge sounded incandescent with rage while sentencing her to the maximum of 18 months. In another jurisdiction manslaughter could land you many years in prison.
interesting that it was actually a white dude in a position with considerable power who discharged the firearm, maybe Baldwin could have checked the gun too.
If i’m caught accidentally shooting someone with live ammunition can I blame the last person who held the weapon, or is it my responsibility to check it myself?
Alec Baldwin shot an killed a woman ffs, and the buck has stopped with some low level minion.
Baldwin’s fault was for hiring subpar staff that were not qualified to perform their duties. And he’s just as culpable for the death on set as the other producers and people calling the shots.
With that said, no, a person he assumed was more knowledgeable about firearms than himself handed him a weapon, told him it was safe and loaded with blanks, and he believed them. In that circumstance, he was not responsible for the fatal discharge, and your straw man is not relevant or hold water, as this wasn’t just a stranger handing him a loaded weapon, this was a paid (supposedly) professional armorer whose entire job description encompasses safe and best practices of firearms on set.
This is a dumb take. Her only job was to make sure the weapons are safe, and she had live ammo on set. The producers may share some of the blame with her, but she’s no fall guy.
She was also supposedly complaining about the judge and jury on her recorded phone calls. The judge sounded incandescent with rage while sentencing her to the maximum of 18 months. In another jurisdiction manslaughter could land you many years in prison.
She additionally lacked remorse. She was feeling sorry for herself and how this conviction would adversely affect her own modeling career.
I think 18 months was very little all things considered.
interesting that it was actually a white dude in a position with considerable power who discharged the firearm, maybe Baldwin could have checked the gun too.
If i’m caught accidentally shooting someone with live ammunition can I blame the last person who held the weapon, or is it my responsibility to check it myself?
Alec Baldwin shot an killed a woman ffs, and the buck has stopped with some low level minion.
Baldwin’s fault was for hiring subpar staff that were not qualified to perform their duties. And he’s just as culpable for the death on set as the other producers and people calling the shots.
With that said, no, a person he assumed was more knowledgeable about firearms than himself handed him a weapon, told him it was safe and loaded with blanks, and he believed them. In that circumstance, he was not responsible for the fatal discharge, and your straw man is not relevant or hold water, as this wasn’t just a stranger handing him a loaded weapon, this was a paid (supposedly) professional armorer whose entire job description encompasses safe and best practices of firearms on set.