The goal posts and yard lines were all just decorative. People would come from miles away to sit and watch the field for 2 or 3 hours. Girls would do flips and shake pom-poms to encourage the grass to grow. Luckily the time traveler brought their egg ball with them and figured out something to do in these fields.
Yeah but traveling in space takes time, so you can reason that traveling in time takes space.
Right so have we tried putting the Time Machine in the middle of a football field or smthn?
Yes and that’s how we ended up with American Football. In the original timeline, it never existed.
The goal posts and yard lines were all just decorative. People would come from miles away to sit and watch the field for 2 or 3 hours. Girls would do flips and shake pom-poms to encourage the grass to grow. Luckily the time traveler brought their egg ball with them and figured out something to do in these fields.
Which is why the deLorean was an amazing time machine, obviously.