We all deserve to thrive, not just survive. (Sometimes even less then that)
The thing to know about nihilism is that it doesn’t matter that it doesn’t matter.
Also there being no meaning to it all leaves you free to make one up for yourself.
The universe doesn’t care. But we do, and that’s what’s important. The meaning of existence is us
Nah, I’ll make my own meaning, thanks. Yours isn’t nearly interesting enough.
I‘ll make my own meaning of life. With blackjack and hookers. You know what? Forget the hookers!
Isn’t that absurdism?
Meaning is relative. My life doesn’t matter, but it matters to me.
So choose absurdism. Is nihilism without the suicide.
You don’t have to kill yourself to be a nihilist, it just doesn’t matter if you do.
“I’m a human being god damnit. My life has value.”
… Until it doesn’t. It obviously doesn’t matter in the end, but I am here until that moment.
What’s the difference between absurdism and positive nihilism?
The difference is Camus.
https://youtu.be/MBRqu0YOH14?si=TaIXS6ZYiRF1EE4J genuinely changed my outlook on life a bit
Optimistic nihilism!
Absurdist gang represent
Sorry to break it to you but is not even surviving. The one qualification to surviving is not to die and you will do that. This is existing and too many assholes get their kicks from making it suck.
I find it freeing that life has no meaning. That means I don’t have to bother meeting arbitrary goals and deadlines.
“Meaning” is only another story in your mind. A thought-concept.
“What’s wrong with right now if you don’t think about it?”
More of wholesomememes than shitpost, but will allow it.