I have a wife, family, car, and great job, and I’m also addicted to drugs.
i too drink coffee in the morning
No poison for me thanks, I get energized in the morning by thinking about that thing I said in middle school and everyone got all quiet
Yeah, coffee…Umm, that’s what I meant.
Sometimes, some people need to experience the worst in order to be convinced of pursuing the better.
Plot twist they all live in the car
He used to be addicted to drugs. He still is, but he used to be too.
In the cereal business its all about who you know. And I know crackle.
And his job is dealing drugs.
I’m halfway to success!
This is exactly how machine learning works
The real dangers of drugs!
Wait what about the house?
Whenever I hear these braggarts looking for praise, I say something smartass like “Hey me too! I’ve been clean since the day I was born and never even wound up harming others or in jail. Interesting!”
Yeah, but that just makes you sound like a dick who has no idea what kind of mammoth struggle it is to get off drugs that are designed to be as addictive as possible.
Recommendation for future: either say nothing, or join in with those who congratulate them for their achievement.
You spend enough time around family and other friends who have time and time again endlessly thrown in everyone’s faces how Jesus Christ they are now that they are clean, and that YOU just don’t get it. They’re the dickheads. Most of them fall back into it.
I am not against encouraging people improving their lives. I am also not standing outside prison clapping for the releases.
If you’ve been exhausted and used enough by enough repeat addicts, you just get tired of it and believe it less.
I will not go nuts celebrating someone finally deciding to stop destroying their life and the lives of those around them. I will not overly celebrate people recognizing their own selfishness.