It's time! We are very pleased to present the latest and greatest release of Kodi, v21.0 "Omega". With this release we have seen over 3,750 commits since v20.0 "Nexus" was available to the world…
Immensely. Its extremely versatile and robust at this point.
If youre just using it as a media center computer go with libreelec, which is an OS that boots directly into kodi. The intergration is deep and excellent.
Is Kodi worth giving a shot again, my last use being around 2016?
Whenever I tried it out, I found it laggy and buggy. Has it improved?
Immensely. Its extremely versatile and robust at this point.
If youre just using it as a media center computer go with libreelec, which is an OS that boots directly into kodi. The intergration is deep and excellent.
It’s really fantastic on SHIELD pro for playing stuff from a NAS. This newest release finally has full Dolby vision support.
What source are you using when playing Dolby Vision, does it work with Jellyfin/Jellycon?
Just playing files via NFS storage. I haven’t ever tried Jellyfin so I’m not sure.