The kind of game you daydream about while at school or work because you can’t wait to come home and play some more.
Ive been playing a lot of read dead redemption lately.
I’m still playing Starfield. I’m 120% the targeted audience. It helped me go through depression.
I’m a 45 years old dude, and I started creating a comic with my character in Starfield, by taking screenshots and adding speech bubbles with Figma. I didn’t know I had it in me.
As far as I’m concerned, Starfield is self-care.
That’s deep rock Galactic and star trek for me, whenever I’m bringing those 2 then times are tough.
I am utterly shellshocked by how much I’m enjoying Helldivers 2. It’s been a very long time since I’ve daydreamed about going home to play but I just can’t wait to blast some bugs with friends most days. It’s like I’m 10 again
Baldur’s Gate 3, four playthroughs back to back, two of em multiplayer. I still play it every now and then when I want to continue my honor run.
Besides that, Rimworld. Nearly 4k hours.
satisfactory on my 8th full playthrough and the game is not even 1.0 yet
I got so hooked on Factorio for years that after trying Satisfactory for a few hours I had to stop since I had things to do in the next year and a half. One day I hope I’ll have time to give it a real shot.
yeah that is a good idea I have almost 1000 hours in satisfactory and have a real problem of telling myself I will go to bed after I finish this production line then I blink and it’s 4am.
Currently Horizon: Forbidden West. So glad the PC port only took 2 years this time around rather than 5 for the first one (or however long it was)
Dragons Dogma 2
- story: garbage
- storytelling: garbage
- performance: garbage
- CAPCOM: garbage
But I tell you what, the world, exploration and gameplay they’ve put together, it’s all A+.
I turned it to Japanese voices so I didn’t have to hear the god awful English voice acting and it’s improved my experience a lot
I hope they add a localization patch so I can change it to something fun like Spanish or German
FacCracktorioCurrently hooked on Factorio.
Before that, Baldur’s Gate 3.
Before that, Factorio.
Haven’t touched Factorio in ages. Really looking forward to diving back in with the Space Age expansion!
Completely hooked on: Baldur’s Gate 3.
Completely hooked on in the past tense and stopped playing: Overwatch.
Outer Wilds
A wonderful game, still need to go back and do the dlc at some point.
Kenshi. Just the sheer dynamic ant-farm nature of it made the grind somehow all the more the worth. Even if you cheat and max out all your stats, you can still invent your own narrative in your head for what you think is happening.
Noita - for the longest time the addiction was something along the lines of not letting this ‘simple’ game beat me, and damn does it beat you…
Then I finally had my first God run breaking the reroll machines and oh my fuck it’s like crack. I’ve been chasing that dragon ever since.
Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart
It has a special place for me because a long time ago, when I was younger, I had R&C Size Matters as the only game on my PSP and that’s because I bought the PSP in a bundle
And that was the only R&C game I played until Rift Apart and that shit hit me like that scene in the end of Ratatouille mfer
Cross Code for me. Ended up putting like 60 hours into it in about 3 weeks while in university and working part time. I could not put it down.