Thank you for calling HP Painters! We would be happy to complete your painting job for the low, low price of $200! That’s the up-front cost, then just a small subscription of $100/month on a 10-year contract.
Thanks again for calling, you can send in your deposit of your first born child to
HP Painting & Blood Extraction Services
666 Hells Way
Gary IN 46407
Until you get a call from them saying the can of unused paint has passed it support date and you need to purchase a new one, but we don’t sell those outright any more you need to get a $20/m subscription.
Ha jokes on you, I’ll just call HP Painters instead! 😜
They’re a good choice if you want your house bricked.
oh no what are you doing step Brother Laser Printer
Don’t sign up for HP Instant Amontillado.
Thank you for calling HP Painters! We would be happy to complete your painting job for the low, low price of $200! That’s the up-front cost, then just a small subscription of $100/month on a 10-year contract.
Thanks again for calling, you can send in your deposit of your first born child to
HP Painting & Blood Extraction Services 666 Hells Way Gary IN 46407
I love that they’re located in Gary.
Until you get a call from them saying the can of unused paint has passed it support date and you need to purchase a new one, but we don’t sell those outright any more you need to get a $20/m subscription.