Why are we still referring to these human shit stains as settlers? Invaders? Genocidists? Murderers and thieves? Settlers gives them a legitimacy they lack.
It wasn’t even random “settlers”
It was 7 of the most violent despicable ones, and the sanctions did nothing
But Bibi told Biden to revoke the sanctions, so he did.
By his own words over decades of political service, Biden has constantly reiterated that he’ll do what Israel asks because as a toddler his dad made him promise.
It’s fucking insane that everyone just didn’t care over half a century
If it comes down to Israel or America, Biden will always pick Israel. That’s where his loyalties lie because of a childhood promise a lifetime ago.
There’s reasons why it took him over 30 years to win his first presidential primary, and this is one of the big ones.
Care to elaborate on what you mean by childhood promise?
The word comes from settler colonialism, which means the colonists come steal the land and live on it instead of just enslave the people.
Somehow people starter using the word “colonialist” instead of “settler” which is weird because settler sounds far too peaceful for these psychopathic Nazi colonists.
Why are we still referring to these human shit stains as settlers?
Peas in a pod stick with each other no matter what. US knows a thing or two about wiping out the natives.
At this point netenyahoo is attempting to establish a caliphate, so terrorists seems a viable option.
You can blame bibi all you want, this issue predates him. Scapegoating him only enables this problem to continue. Don’t get me wrong he sucks, but removing him will not drastically change the situation.
“Antisemitism in Germany predated Hitler, scapegoating him only enables the problem to continue,” Nazis in the 40s probably. What a clown thing to say. He is the current tip of the genocidal spear known as Israel. Though I agree with you entirely that removing him won’t change Israel’s genocidal actions. That doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be tried at The Hague and put in prison for life.
That’s exactly what I’m saying though.
Fair! Fuck Netanyahu and the Likud.
Most petty useless sanctions ever by Biden
Instantly removes them when israel tells him to
What a brave man wagging his finger to israel for a few days.
Maybe israel can tell Biden to lift his sanctions that are starving Cuba too.
This title does not seem to match up with a contents of the article. An article whose sources I I somewhat question by the way.
The title does match. US government enacted sanctions on 7 people that restricted 3 types of financial transactions. Now they have removed the most important of the 3 restrictions.
No, it doesn’t. They did not ease the sanctions. They clarified what sanctions were already in place. I’m with you, stricter sanctions are needed here, but they did not remove any restrictions because that restriction was not truly in place before.