Someone made a post with a picture of a blonde haired blue eyed child. The title was “Would you slap this child for 88 million dollars?”

I said “Slap!?!?? I would eat that child’s still beating heart for 88 million dollars.”

Next day I log in to find out I had been temp banned for 7 days for sexualization/abuse of a minor.

I uninstalled Reddit. That was 11 days ago and I haven’t been back. Context is important. Obviously, no one is going to offer me 88 million dollars to eat a child’s heart. Not to mention, do you really want to make deals with people that can offer that to you? I mean, I wouldn’t.

All this has led me to realize. I don’t want to be part of a community with no sense of humor.

I would post a link but not only was my comment deleted. The thread was too I think.

    2 years ago

    Fuck Reddit.

    I got banned once for saying that a drug cartel head honcho deserved the death penalty (or something like that, I don’t recall the details). This was after a story where a bunch of people in Mexico or some South American country were found murdered in some gruesome ways and the head honcho was caught but then escaped. You can’t escape if you’re dead.

    So someone on Reddit was offended because I said that a drug cartel kingpin who had dozens (or maybe hundreds) of murders under his belt should be removed from the gene pool. And then to make things worse, some moron Reddit agreed eith them.

    Fuck Reddit.