Members of white supremacist and antisemitic hate groups marched outside Orlando, Florida, on Saturday screaming invectives, raising the Nazi salute, and yelling “Heil Hitler” and “white power.”
“We are everywhere!” neo-Nazis can be heard shouting in a video shared by former Florida House of Representatives member Anna V. Eskamani. Later in the footage, they yelled, “Heil Hitler” while performing a Nazi salute.
The m249 machine gun has a cyclic rate of fire of at least 650 rounds per minute with a sustained rate of fire exceeding 100 rounds per minute. From a stable firing position and with the aid of a bipod, it is possible to accurately lay down sustained suppressing fire on a mass of targets at will, providing that spare barrels and ammunition containers are at hand.
Unrelated, just thought I’d post some trivia
“Make Shooting Nazis in the Face Normal Again”
I mean, we did have a 4-year long federally-funded convention for that back in the early 1940s. I’d like to see us bring that sort of energy back.
Tack on a radio and a few other dudes with M4s and 203s…baby you got a fire team goin
Imagine what the Basterds could have done with some Saws or Pigs….
Imagine what uncle Billy Sherman could have done with saws and pigs.
Fire was all he needed, Sherman didn’t burn far enough
Wikipedia on M249 has this info though:
Rate of fire Cyclic: 850 rounds/min Rapid: 100 rounds/min Sustained: 50 rounds/min[2]
[2] 3-22x249 FINAL WEB.pdf
also, 3,600 m (11,800 ft) effective firing range 👀. Although probably only a handful of people that can accurately hit at that range.
Ahh, fuck
I’m confused. Is it 650 rounds per minute or 100 rounds per minute?
650+ rounds is the cyclic rate but it will overheat if continuously fired that quickly. At 100 rpm it can be used sustainably
Unrelated, just thought I’d post some trivia
Uncle Sherman knew how to use this trivia effectively.
Doxx these motherfuckers. Once they lose their livelihood they will start seeing the world in a much better way
Lol. No they won’t. It will just confirm their world view. They will see it as persecution because they know the truth. And they will find another way to make a living. One that doesn’t rely on the opinions of the public and doesn’t care for its own image.
That’s fine though, if you’re too busy trying to make a living being a human piece of shit you’re too busy to tell the world you are a human piece of shit.
While this will inevitably lead to claims that the Jews who run the world are just seeking retribution, it’s still exactly the right thing to do.
Shine sunlight on this scum to disinfect.
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Those Ford F150s, Oakley glasses, Under Armor wife beaters, and camo shorts don’t come cheap
According to FL, this is a-ok for children to see and quite preferable over trans people.
We are everywhere!.. except our jobs.
Or on our children’s birthdays!
Bold of you to assume that they even can see their kids.
More likely: they’re teaching their children that this is an acceptable belief system…while voting for people who will make it illegal for the education system to teach those children any different.
Lost their jobs January 7th
Why don’t these idiots ever take in the fact that Hitler was a loser who killed himself?
They’re happy to copy the genocide and goose-stepping, but skip right over that bit.
If you were real Nazis - actual champions of the white race, you’d do a better job of following Hitler’s example. Finish the job, you fucking posers.
Arnie said it best :-)
*but like a real history book. The confederates and the reich both got smashed to bits for a reason. Read a real history book
Here they go again with the silent majority bullshit.
They still can’t wrap their heads around the fact that they are a tiny minority.
Because they seem to have a disproportionately large influence on politics. In many cases the republicans can’t win elections without pandering to them. They’ve got (or they think they’ve got) the American right-wing by the balls. Apparently that’s enough to make a fringe whackjob pretty bold.
If they can delude themselves into thinking white people are superior in any respect then they can delude themselves to believe anything
0-2 losers. Confederates and Nazis. Losers.
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Florida is full of fascists.
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We have plenty of airlift capacity not being used in the sandbox anymore. Offer a month long program where everyone who wants to leave gets relocated then…
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Same, you seem like a frood with a firm grasp on a towel 👍
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Calling your opponents fascists is a weak argument. /s
Try that inPhilly
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Back on the R site I caught a ban once for saying I think it’s always a good idea to punch Nazis, like grandpa, LT Aldo Raine, and all my DS’ taught me.
I still think it’s a grand idea, spez can lick my whole asshole, and fuck off nazi punks
There is no longer a noticable difference between those groups.
The conservative base.
I wonder what could be done from a open source intelligence point about them?
Nazis being everywhere in Florida might be surprising to some, I guess
Are they even educated enough to know that nazis killed americans?
2nd largest nazi rally was in the US and the nazis got their ideas for eugenics from the US. Nazis and America have closer relations than you might think
Fascism, and the nazis in particular, have an unfortunately long history in the US. Besides, these morons are probably more concerned about Americans killing Americans in the civil war. Which they’d definitely say was about “state’s rights.”
That clip with Laura Loomer and then saying they don’t support trump reminded me of the South Park episode where KKK were supporting the opposite side, because they knew people wouldn’t associate with them.
I’m not a Trekkie, but I think they nailed the red shirt thing.
I understand people in other states saying " try that shit here", but I live in Kissimmee, and one thing that is known here is that damn near everyone and their grandma (literally) carries a concealed weapon (especially since laws here changed). I’m sure these idiots did, and it would’ve been a bad situation.