PP is such a loser. I really hope he doesn’t win. I’m old enough to be ashamed of being Canadian because of Harper and his insanity.
PP is such a loser. I really hope he doesn’t win. I’m old enough to be ashamed of being Canadian because of Harper and his insanity.
He is a phenomenal player who used to play for San Antonio before leaving for Toronto where he won the championship. He then signed as a free agent with LA.
Spurs fans hold grudges LoL, their coach is a class act. Kawhii doesn’t care. Stoic AF.
Google just went full evil now. Ick.
Eufy? With the hub it’s all kept local I believe. Even without I think you can get a week with a 128 card.
I’m struggling to find anything that would lead to a down vote here.
Whether or not you believe Israel even has a right to exist aside, any reasonable actor would obviously want what you’ve outlined above…
You missed an opportunity to put Fuhrer instead of furor but I’ll forgive you.
Have you read his lyrics while listening to the music? He’s quite the poet.
I know a guy with a PhD in medieval agriculture with a specific focus on cows. He’s one of my brothers wife’s friends.
This guy devoted his life to ye olde english cow farts.
He’s struggling for employment as one might expect.
Removed by mod
Reasonable non hateful people?
Don’t even have to wait, candles are lit on Fridays. You don’t need 9 candles for this.
Sam Harris has been an interesting voice this past few weeks.
Seems to be one of the few willing to talk about Islamic jihadism and its incompatibility with liberal western democratic ideals.
There’s no way there’s no cameras… the cops work for Corps, those hero’s are getting the book thrown at them.
Yet we’re not seeing calls for Hamas to step down and let innocent Palestinians live in some version of peace that can never be known under Islamic jihad…
Which I find very weird. The lack of conversation surrounding the admitted goals of the leaders of the Palestinian people is something that needs to be part of any conversation.
It’s green space conservation. Always nice to see in the urban jungle.
See my original reply. It applies to this comment as well.
You could have just swapped your first few lines for ’ I’m selfish and don’t care about others’.
Of course you do. You’re not a raging prick.
ITT a bunch of fucking losers claiming to have hearing problems and would rather be a dick in public than invest in proper headphones.
Note on the claim part, I don’t believe a fraction of the assholes here, just trying to justify their assholery. People with legitimate hearing issues tend to accept the support technology that’s readily available these days. I spend quite a bit of time around folks who are actually hard of hearing.
The e person in the article is extra evil for getting their job back!