“Chronic cannabis use makes you stupid, to put it bluntly, and can also cause psychosis,” Thomas Fischbach, president of a German federation of doctors for children and adolescents (BVKJ), told the Die Welt newspaper.
Meanwhile, at Oktoberfest…
The drunken debauchery often leads to fights, aggressive behavior, and bierleichen — so-called “beer corpses,” which is what locals call the many passed out drunks lying on the hill behind the tents.
Cannabis bad doesn’t mean alcohol good
No, but here he is trotting out the line about Schizophrenia, which is a real risk, but is dwarfed in its societal impact by the downsides of alcohol. I don’t expect he’s said anything at all publicly about the impacts of that though, which would suggest that he’s the talking head that the German press always contact for a negative comment about cannabis every time it hits the news. Especially as this is reported by Die Welt which is an Axel Springer publication.
That’s not even the argument which was being made if that’s what you’re implying.
Their argument is simply: why is alcohol legal if it’s much more harmful?
okay but the statement he made fits into a societal context such that the overall message being sent by a group of people that have Oktoberfest but make cannabis illegal is absolutely “cannabis bad, alcohol good”.
Well I’m already stupid and psychotic so no harm done
Probably not as selectively stupid as Thomas Fischbach.
Overuse of cannabis can cause something called cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. You have severe nausea, uncontrolled vomiting, and stomach cramping. It’s caused by your nervous system, so people who have it tend to sit in a hot shower for a long time when they don’t get relief from anti-nausea meds. Luckily, it clears up pretty quick with a shot of haloperidol, and as long as you cut back you can continue to partake.
It doesn’t affect everybody and usually you have to smoke a lot over a long period of time, but I didn’t know about it before and I think people should be aware.
Happy smoking, frients
German city in Abril
An old classic
April fools.
I think it’s a real shame that 4/20 is when it is. I’m not sure millions of Germans toking up for a celebration on Hitler’s birthday will go over well. 😂
I honestly don’t think legalising is the best path looking at SF, California reporting after harm reduction campaign. Maybe empathetic rehabilitation.
Legalization is the first step in harm reduction. While it is still illegal it is much harder for people get help.
If you have underlying issues with anxiety and paranoia, adding marijuana to the mix exacerbates these issues greatly and becomes a poor crutch for dealing with them. I’ve seen friends and family who smoked 2-3x weekly for a few years develop eyebrow-raising mental problems. So I tend to agree.
Personal anecdote, N=4.
(Yeah of course, alcohol is just as bad, or worse in extreme cases, but people can usually sense the damage being done to them by it afterwards. Pot’s effects are internal. It’s hard to reflect until it’s too late.)
looking at SF, California
There are a number of US states that have legalized it sooner and more thoroughly than California (not to mention Germany). What did SF specifically do?
I Investigated the City that Pays You to Do Drugs…