edit to say: one trick was to use the blank expansion slot plates to gently break the vice like grip the screw had in the hex stand-off. the metal used on the cheap “digit remover” cases was sometimes soft enough to loosen the thumb screws via the driver slot without the thumb screw breaking.
Pretty sure the little slit was so that you could use a flathead screwdriver. Had to do that a couple times
Then one side of the driver notch shears off
those slots were near useless.
edit to say: one trick was to use the blank expansion slot plates to gently break the vice like grip the screw had in the hex stand-off. the metal used on the cheap “digit remover” cases was sometimes soft enough to loosen the thumb screws via the driver slot without the thumb screw breaking.
still nearly useless though.
We referred to those blank expansion slot metal pieces as “keys.” They were useful lockpicks.
I mean, I could’ve been doing it wrong lol